Teller Report

Details: United sue Ronaldo - want to tear up the contract

11/18/2022, 1:16:42 PM

After Cristiano Ronaldo's criticized interview, Manchester United chooses to act. According to The Guardian, the club wants to sue the 37-year-old for breach of contract - and thereby break the collaboration with the star.

It was on Sunday that the first parts from Cristiano Ronaldo's interview with Piers Morgan in The Sun were published.

There he said, among other things, that he feels betrayed by the club and has no respect for coach Erik ten Hag.

Manchester United themselves do not want to comment on what will happen to the Portuguese, but write that they have started a process to handle the sitout.

"Manchester United has this morning initiated appropriate measures in response to Cristiano Ronaldo's recent media interview.

We will not comment further until the process has come to an end," the club wrote on its website on Friday.

CUT: Returned as a hero - now Ronaldo could leave United

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Returned as a hero - now Cristiano Ronaldo can leave Manchester United the back way Photo: TT