Teller Report

A visit to Korea only empty, will there be a second 'Middle East boom'... What are the future prospects?

11/17/2022, 11:16:49 AM

The rest of the story will continue with reporter Jeong Hye-jin of the Ministry of Economy. Q. What kind of project is 'NEOM City'? [Reporter Jeong Hye-jin: When Crown Prince bin Salman was 31 years old six years ago, he announced a national project called Vision 2030, saying that we should not depend on oil anymore, and Neom City is the core of it.

<Anchor> The

rest of the story will be continued with reporter Jeong Hye-jin of the Ministry of Economy.

Q. What kind of project is 'NEOM City'?

[Reporter Jeong Hye-jin: When Crown Prince bin Salman was 31 years old six years ago, he announced a national project called Vision 2030, saying that we should not depend on oil anymore, and Neom City is the core of it.

In the middle of the desert in the north of Saudi Arabia, it is said to create a future smart eco-friendly new city that does not require a drop of oil.

This area is over 40 times the size of Seoul.

So, since no one country or one company can do it alone, there will be opportunities for Korean companies as well.

That's why companies are raising expectations.]

Q. In what fields can domestic companies enter? 

[Reporter Jung Hye-jin: Our companies have the technology to go into eco-friendly new cities evenly.

Samsung Electronics has an advantage in the technology of controlling things with artificial intelligence by laying a communication network in this wide area.

In the field of eco-friendly energy, SK and Hanwha have advantages, and in electric vehicles and self-driving cars, Hyundai Motor has advantages.

So if the business goes well like this, you will be able to earn up to 100 trillion won.

That's why there is talk of 'the second boom in the Middle East'.]

Q. What is the future outlook?

[Reporter Jeong Hye-jin: Actually, when Crown Prince bin Salman visited Korea three years ago, he signed an MOU with Korea worth 10 trillion won.

So, I looked at how it was going this time, and in fact, nothing started properly except for the oil sector where Saudi Arabia has a stake.

So, this time, we signed a memorandum of understanding to do well with each other.

In the future, it is being pointed out that Korean companies should further refine their business and the government should maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia to lead to economic effects.]

(Video editing: Choi Hye-young)