Teller Report

"I'm always sorry for the noise between floors"... A 'surprise gift' from the couple upstairs

11/16/2022, 9:09:58 AM

<Oh! Click> The last search term is 'surprise gift' from the neighbor next door. Netizen A shared the story of receiving a special gift on the online community.


Click> The last search term is 'surprise gift' from the neighbor next door.

Netizen A shared the story of receiving a special gift on the online community.

When I came home from work, there was an envelope hanging on the doorknob, and inside it was garlic bread, wild ginseng liquor, and a letter.

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A young couple from upstairs with two sons left, saying, "I'm always sorry for causing noise between floors."

In the letter, they wrote, "I have to say hello often, but I'm sorry. I'm always sorry and I'm living with a grateful heart."

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While sharing the photo, Mr. A said, "Every time the people upstairs say they're sorry, they say, 'All the kids are so it's okay,' but it would be a lie if I said I didn't care." "When I ate it, it tasted like garlic," he said, revealing pleasant emotions.

Netizens responded, "If you express your sorry like that, all human feelings are forgiven."

(Screen source: Treasure Dream)