Teller Report

ship of discord

11/15/2022, 4:57:24 PM

“Macron does not understand the problem, because for him there is no French culture, there is some kind of global one, and instead of people - pawns: he put it here and there, filled the hole, and everything went economically. But for some reason, it doesn’t go, or rather, it doesn’t go there at full speed. It’s only a pity that soon it won’t be enough to get by with little blood, the problem will have to be solved radically, if any of the current politicians in France ever go for it, because social upheavals have brought political points to few people. ”

In France, this is the case with many topics: just strike a match - and that’s it, the news will not leave the front pages of newspapers for a week.

Now the topic of migration has “shot” like that, which managed to turn both European neighbors and the domestic political elite against Macron.

That is probably why he fled to Bali, where he is now trying to actively promote himself, standing next to the really serious political figures of the current emerging multipolar world.

It turns out so-so.

There is no way to calm French society by turning its attention to something else.

And here's what happened.

In October, the country was shocked by a terrible tragedy: a 12-year-old girl was brutally murdered, who in her youth had already become the champion of France in acrobatics.

Her bound body was found in a plastic bag, her head was wrapped in duct tape, numerous wounds in the neck, the numbers 0 and 1 burned into the skin.

People were even more shocked when they learned that the killer was a 24-year-old woman from Algeria, who was in the country illegally and had had an order to leave France for three years.

At the same time, the lady, far from religion, posted a lot of seductive selfies on social networks, having fun like everyone else.

They think she is mentally ill.

Although no expertise is needed here, can a normal person decide on such a thing?

Then it turned out that, according to statistics, of all illegal migrants who are given such a piece of paper, less than 1% leave themselves.

It is impossible to send forcibly, if there is no consent of the country where the migrant comes from.

And such agreement very often does not happen in principle.

This is where the vicious circle comes in.

A person who applied for asylum no longer worries about what the answer will be.

He simply stays in France and lives "in a black way", doing odd jobs, or goes into crime.

Not everyone survives.

Someone's going crazy, they take a knife and cut the priests, then the parishioners, then the police.

Time after time, investigators are forced to state that a visiting migrant is behind the crime.

And then, just in time, the statistics of all crimes committed, for example, in the Ile-de-France region, came out.

More than half of the convicts are immigrants.

Macron was asked about this, they say, do you see any problems?

He acknowledged that the figures were correct, but refused to link them to migration.

They say, yes, foreigners commit atrocities, but we are all such humanists, we will put them in prison, where we will feed, drink, radicalize them, so that when they come out ... oh, I don’t even want to think about what’s next.

In general, this approach of the French president, so that both ours and yours, so that black and white "and at the same time" - he does not work here anymore.

It is difficult to explain to people why France was able to swallow more than 60,000 Ukrainian refugees without any problems, everything was done for them in record time, but for years it has been snaring people from the Middle East, examining their documents.

Why the country refused to accept the Aquarius ship in Marseille a few years ago, but now accepted the Ocean Viking in Toulon.

And here and there - refugees from Africa, what's the difference?

The fact that the first one has more than 600 people, and the second one has more than 200?

Macron wanted to play a humanist, but in the end he quarreled with Italy (before that, with Germany, both countries are in the top three economies of the EU (so far), he quarreled with the Republicans in the National Assembly, who saved him every time the left or right flanks In general, the inconsistent policy and endless throwing undermined the rating of Macron, who always dreamed of imposing European sovereignty on the world, but was unable to defend even his own, French.

Many reminded him of the fact that almost all European countries buy the most modern weapons not from France, although, it would seem, solidarity, neighbors, friends, but from the Americans - the owners.

The French are just a pawn on the map, even an ardent American amateur, the head of the Ministry of Economy, Bruno Le Maire, realized this, he promised to talk to his American colleague in Bali and ask him not to be so cruel to the French economy in the conditions of the sanctions war.

Returning to the topic of migrants, another stab in the back came to Macron from his former interior minister, Gerard Colombe.

Even then, while in office, he warned that France had very little time left to reverse its migration and integration policy.

He warned of an impending disaster.

He also criticized the acceptance of migrants from the Ocean Viking ship, and admitted that if he had voiced his true opinion before the elections, Le Pen would have won.

Therefore, he simply remained silent, hushed up, did not talk about the problem, which has not gone away and will not disappear, especially with Macron's current strategy.

The landing of people in Toulon is, of course, a precedent.

Humanitarian ships that make money on the "rescue" of migrants will know that it is possible to sail there to unload.

Why can’t it be just as humane, having fed,

to take people back to the Libyan coast is unclear.

Refugees are no longer worried, the scheme has been clearly worked out, as soon as they sailed from the African coast, shout: “Sink”, and right there the ship, and then the cherished EU.

And if immediately France, then you can safely stay.

For non-compliance with the order to leave the territory, even a fine is not provided.

He threw out the paper and went on about his business.

Part, however, crosses the whole country, because the ultimate goal is Great Britain.

The new agreement with London, perhaps, can be written as a plus for presidential activity in this area.

The British pledged to transfer € 72.2 million to France in the next two years, so that it would increase the protection of beaches by 40%, from where people sail on boats to Foggy Albion, and they sail very successfully: 40 thousand people reached the goal against 28.5 thousand in Last year.

I can see directly how the French gendarmes will abide by this treaty and “stop” the migrants with all their might.

Yes, they will soon drive a boat for them, they will give water, the locals will also bring oars, set a sail, just swim, swim from here.

After all, with such difficulty they demolished in the north of France a whole migrant city for 10 thousand people, which was called the "Jungle".

And then he, as if forgetting what had happened, proposed another idea, which again shocked the society: to settle migrants compactly in dying French towns.

The right howled: this is direct evidence of the replacement of the native French population with newcomers.

They howled in these towns: what are they to do there, these migrants?

Play petanque?

Where will they work, in the fields?

Well, maybe a couple of people will agree, and the rest will take off and go to Paris, where there is where to dissolve and what to do, how many thousands of illegal immigrants have accumulated.

Small towns are dying out not from a simple lack of people, but from a lack of work and conditions for life and development.

Macron does not understand the problem, because for him there is no French culture, there is some kind of global one, and instead of people - pawns: he put it here and there, filled the hole, and everything went economically.

But for some reason, it doesn’t go, or rather, it doesn’t go there at full speed.

It’s only a pity that soon it won’t be enough to get by with little blood, the problem will have to be solved radically, if any of the current politicians in France ever go for it, because social upheavals have brought political points to few people.

And elections are sacred.

But endlessly closing your eyes to the mess will not work either.

Moreover, Europe is now registering a new powerful influx of refugees from African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries, and its social sphere is already bursting at the seams.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.