Teller Report

Patrushev announced the desire of the United States to "weaken, divide and destroy" Russia

11/15/2022, 11:09:13 AM

Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council, spoke of the US's desire to "weaken, divide and destroy" Russia.

He made the corresponding statement in Bryansk at a security conference in the Central Federal District.

“The Americans reflected their selfish approaches and their own views on all spheres of life in the new national security strategy approved by the President of the United States a month ago,” RIA Novosti quotes him.

As Patrushev emphasized, this document, which determines the long-term policy of the United States, once again emphasizes the exceptionalism of America, and also confirms the intention to impose its model of democracy on the whole world. 

“The goal of the United States is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country.

To do this, they, sowing hatred for the multinational Russian people, support the development of ultra-right extremist and nationalist ideas, which are preached by Bandera formations that have revived in Ukraine, ”he said.

Earlier, the American journalist and writer Eric Margolis said that the United States wants to see the "balkanization of Russia" and is aimed at crushing it.