Teller Report

How do the subjects arrive at the journalists of "20 Minutes"?

11/15/2022, 11:21:32 AM

In this podcast, Thibaut Gagnepain, journalist for "20 Minutes" in Strasbourg, tells the backstage of an article, the side

How do journalists find subjects that will become articles, videos published on

20 Minutes


In our podcast “Minute Papillon!

“, we slip today into the pocket of Thibaut Gagnepain, journalist of

20 Minutes

in Strasbourg, and we go to discover the backstage of the profession.

When it all starts with a hectic nap

On paper, the profession of journalist is quite simple.

Finding interesting information for the people who read or listen to you, verify this information, and transmit it, via written, audio or television media.

But who are these sources of information?

These are people or organizations, such as an association in Quimper, the police headquarters in Paris or an NGO in Libya...

There are many sources of information, and a lot of information is not of interest to people following us: a transport strike in Nîmes is unlikely to be of great interest to our readers in Quimper.

In the sources of information, there are also unreliable people or organizations, who consciously or unconsciously deliver misappropriated, partially minus or completely false information.

There are also people who have information, and who do not want, but really do not want to deliver this information...

The place of chance

Sometimes the source of information is the journalist person.

The event “falls on him”, sometimes in an improbable way.

The news catches the interest of the public.

This is what happened to Thibaut Gagnepain, journalist for

20 Minutes

in Strasbourg.

In this episode, we will discuss with him the production of information on a daily basis, of chance, and of a lot of phone calls...

" Wait a minute !

is the 20 Minutes

news podcast


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" Wait a minute !

“: When and how does the editorial staff of “20 Minutes” choose to process information?


" Wait a minute!

“: How “20 Minutes” spied on the XV of France

  • Podcast

  • Information

  • Journalist

  • Strasbourg

  • Great East

  • 20 minutes