Teller Report

Bundeswehr withdraws military uniforms bearing "Nazi" insignia

11/15/2022, 1:09:20 PM

The German army received uniforms bearing the Nazi "SS" symbol for the "Storm Battalion" by mistake, following a "production problem", and the letter "S" was intended to indicate that this dress was short or small, according to what was reported by the Jewish newspaper "Chronicle". These two letters appeared on helmets

Bundeswehr withdraws military uniforms bearing "Nazi" insignia

The German army received uniforms bearing the Nazi "SS" symbol for the "Storm Battalion" by mistake, following a "production problem", and the letter "S" was intended to indicate that this dress was short or small, according to what was reported by the Jewish newspaper "Chronicle". .

These two letters appeared on military helmets, sleeping bags, and waterproof jackets for soldiers.

The German Ministry of Defense ordered the disposal of this military equipment and did not issue any pictures of the suits bearing this symbol "SS".

Historically, the letters "SS" are associated with the Schutzstaffel, the Nazi military organization that spread terror across the territory of the Third Reich and carried out the crimes of the Holocaust.

German law criminalizes the use of these characters in all but one of Germany's 16 states.

It seems that officials in the German Ministry of Defense do not realize what the two letters mentioned will look like when they are installed on the clothes of the German army.

The German Defense Ministry said in a statement that it did not know how many garments with the Nazi symbol had been produced.

But she said the error did not spread much.

The ministry added in the statement: "This is a production problem. It is a very small number of jackets, and as soon as we learned what happened, we issued a circular to the soldiers stating that these stickers must be removed immediately."

The statement noted: "We are now in contact with the manufacturer to investigate what happened. We know it sounds very strange to the public, so we had to deal with it immediately."

The statement concluded by saying: "We are investigating the case, and as soon as we have clear findings, we will act accordingly."

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