Teller Report

A 20-year-old joke has been removed from a Welsh street

11/15/2022, 10:58:37 AM

A man from Wales (Britain) stopped a joke he started 20 years ago and spent nearly 25,000 pounds sterling on it. As a joke, the man erected a special billboard indicating the existence of Lindley International Airport as a landmark on the highway near one of the cities over the past two decades. The

A 20-year-old joke has been removed from a Welsh street

A man from Wales (Britain) stopped a joke he started 20 years ago and spent nearly 25 thousand pounds sterling on it.

In jest, the man has erected a private billboard indicating the presence of Lindley International Airport as a landmark on the highway near Uhud for the past two decades.

Although the sign looks like an ordinary road sign, it refers to an airport that exists only in people's imaginations. Finally, the owner decided to remove the sign, after thousands of pounds were spent to install and maintain it, according to BBC News.

The sign can be seen by eastbound travelers along the Riddar-Kington Highway directing drivers to Terminals 1 and 3 at Lindley International Airport.

but if it occurred to you to follow this road as instructed, you would find a wide field on the outskirts of the village of the same name.

Behind this two-decade-old joke is Nicholas Whitehead, a former journalist.

Speaking to BBC News, he recalled how it all started with a "conversation with friends one evening".

He said, “We thought of renting a sign for something that didn't really exist, maybe a project that didn't exist, and we settled on the airport, and the joke was well received by tourists and locals.

"In 20 years, I haven't had a single complaint about the airport," he joked.  

The billboard itself costs around £1,500 a year to maintain, and now, after paying a total of £25,000, Whitehead has decided to remove the banner.

He hopes the Welsh government's heritage body will be interested in keeping it, as it has become something of a heritage site in the area.

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