Teller Report

"Union of Cultures"... a creative journey in "Al Owais Cultural"

11/15/2022, 10:33:41 PM

The Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation, in cooperation with the AVA Center for the Arts, organized an international art exhibition entitled "Union of Cultures", in which 138 artists from around the world participated. and middle

138 artists participated in the event

"Union of Cultures"... a creative journey in "Al Owais Cultural"

A large attendance at the opening night of the "Union of Cultures".

From the source

The Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation, in cooperation with the AVA Center for the Arts, organized an international art exhibition entitled "Union of Cultures", in which 138 artists from around the world participated.

In the midst of an aesthetic scene between works of painting, sculpture, ceramics, porcelain and calligraphy, the audience toured the exhibition halls and listened to an explanation of the participating works that represented the various schools of art.

The Syrian musician Tammam Ali also presented a piece inspired by the Epic of Gilgamesh, where Gilgamesh laments his friend Enkidu, and Tammam sang a section in the Sumerian language according to the inscriptions on which the epic was written. Of magic and wild imagination.

Saudi director Abeer Abdullah presented her film "The Treasure of the Labyrinth", which tells about the environment, nature, hope and victory for man, which was the focus of a joint cinematic workshop with Emma Shiar, director of the Ava Art Center.

The workshop touched on the relationship of cinema with the consolidation of cultures of different geography or languages, and this was the key to a dialogue in which the audience participated, as rich ideas were presented, and useful discussions took place.

At the end of the events accompanying the "Union of Cultures" exhibition, the artist Omid signed copies of his book "Horses", which included a number of paintings showing the beauty of horses drawn with black charcoal pencils and their shades.

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