Teller Report

Voting in the Federal Council: These are the points of contention with the planned citizens' income

11/14/2022, 7:02:54 AM

In the dispute over citizens' income, it is now up to the Federal Council: the state chamber is voting this Monday on the central social reform of the traffic light coalition.

In the dispute over citizens' income, it is now up to the Federal Council: the state chamber is voting this Monday on the central social reform of the traffic light coalition.

After the Bundestag decision last week, the project could now be stopped for the time being, since the consent of the federal states governed by the Union is required.

However, the CDU and CSU reject the citizen's income because, in their view, it reduces the motivation to accept a job.

The governing parties SPD, Greens and FDP reject this.

If the Bundesrat does not agree, there will be a difficult search for a compromise in the mediation committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat - and under great time pressure.

Before the meeting, the SPD again campaigned for the states to agree to the citizen's allowance, which is intended to replace the previous Hartz IV basic security.

“Many suggestions from the federal states were taken up and clarified in the parliamentary process.

A conclusion today in the Bundesrat is possible, ”said the first parliamentary director of the SPD parliamentary group, Katja Mast, of the German Press Agency.

“Hope always dies last for me.

Citizens' income has been passed in the Bundestag.

It can also happen to the Federal Council today.”

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), on the other hand, reiterated his rejection: "We will definitely not agree," he said on the ARD program "Report from Berlin".

The direction is "simply wrong".

Increase in standard rates

The traffic light plans provide for an increase in the current standard rate of 449 euros for single people to 502 euros.

That is indisputable and is also supported by the Union.

In future, the unemployed should also be put under less pressure by a threatened withdrawal of benefits (sanctions), especially in the first six months of receiving citizen benefits (“trust period”).

The traffic light wants to relax the requirements for the permitted amount of assets and the size of the apartment for benefit recipients.

On all these points, the Union holds up its stop sign.

CDU Vice Carsten Linnemann emphasized on Sunday evening in the ARD program "Anne Will" that the "Förden und Demanden" system must be retained.

"The fact that people are now saying that in the first six months there will be no sanctions for breaches of duty, no yellow card, no red card - that no longer has anything to do with the principle of the welfare state.

A lot of people say: why should I still get up in the morning and go to work?"

SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert countered: "There is no situation in Germany in which people who go to work (...) end up with less than someone in receipt of basic income" - on the condition that low earners increase their entitlements, for example also enforce state housing benefit.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's SPD Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig told the "Rheinische Post" that work would still be worthwhile.

"And for those who refuse, there are still sanction options."

Should the project end up in the mediation committee, experts believe that a compromise should be found by the end of November at the latest so that the citizens' income can be introduced as planned on January 1st.

Federal Council President Peter Tschentscher (SPD) believes this is possible.

"If the law does not receive approval at this meeting, a mediation process can be carried out in November and an agreement can be reached," said the mayor of Hamburg to the "Rheinische Post".

The citizen's income is an "important relief for millions of people who are dependent on support, especially in difficult times".

Mediation Committee might help

The Labor and Social Affairs Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), told the editorial network Germany (RND): "In the end, a political compromise has to be reached." The mediation committee is precisely for such cases.

The First Parliamentary Secretary of the FDP in the Bundestag, Johannes Vogel, appeared in the “Report from Berlin” to be “ready to talk about everything”. “But what must not happen is that the whole process is blocked.”

The federal spokeswoman for the Green Youth, Sarah-Lee Heinrich, called for a hard line from her party in any negotiations.

“I expect all parts of the Green Party to work at federal and state level to ensure that basic social security really does come about in a way that is humane.

Nobody should let the CDU dance around on their noses," she told RND.

"The traffic light shouldn't let this employer lobby party dictate its laws."

Union faction vice-president Hermann Gröhe accused the traffic light of "unreasonable attacks" on the Union in the citizens' money debate.

“Feigned outrage makes it difficult to find a compromise in the foreseeable mediation process.

Instead of blustering, the SPD in particular should see that far-reaching changes to the law are essential for an agreement,” demanded the CDU social politician.

Traffic light politicians had accused the Union, among other things, of spreading “fake news” about citizen income.