Teller Report

Advertising at the epidemic prevention conference? Urumqi's official response: Enterprises confuse

11/14/2022, 2:51:06 AM

China News Service, November 14th. According to the public account of "Urumqi Commercial Grain", the Urumqi Municipal Bureau of Commerce (Urumqi Grain Bureau) issued a statement late at night on the 13th. In order to fully meet the diverse and individual needs of people of all ethnic groups, the Urumqi Municipal Bureau of Commerce (Urumqi Grain Bureau) has actively explored resources and connected Related companies expanded supply channels and screened out 3 maternity and baby products companies and 3 pet product supply companies.

  China News Service, November 14th. According to the public account of "Urumqi Commercial Grain", the Urumqi Municipal Bureau of Commerce (Urumqi Grain Bureau) issued a statement late at night on the 13th. In order to fully meet the diverse and individual needs of people of all ethnic groups, the Urumqi Municipal Bureau of Commerce (Urumqi Grain Bureau) has actively explored resources and connected Related companies expanded supply channels and screened out 3 maternity and baby products companies and 3 pet product supply companies.

In order to facilitate residents to purchase, the list of relevant enterprises was announced at the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Urumqi on November 12.

The picture is from the public account of "Urumqi Commercial Grain"

  Among them, Xinjiang Little Ancestor Pet Supplies is an online sub-platform of the e-commerce company Xinjiang Aiyou Feed Food Co., Ltd.

In order to promote itself, the company edited the press conference video, deleted the other two companies, and only kept Xinjiang Little Ancestor One pet product, taken out of context and confusing, has caused a very bad influence on the Internet, and the relevant departments have been involved in the investigation.

Urumqi Commerce Bureau (Urumqi Grain Bureau) will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility.

(Zhongxin Finance)