Teller Report

What to do with your pet's body?

11/11/2022, 10:01:21 AM

Which processes are authorized – or not – and what is their cost? Have you just lost your dear pet and wondering if you have the right to collect his ashes, scatter them or bury his remains? Here are all the options available to you to make the best decision and say goodbye to him… cremation If you want your tom or doggie to be cremated, know that you have the right to do so and that there are two types of cremation. The first, called "collective", is carried

Have you just lost your dear pet and wondering if you have the right to collect his ashes, scatter them or bury his remains?

Here are all the options available to you to make the best decision and say goodbye to him…


If you want your tom or doggie to be cremated, know that you have the right to do so and that there are two types of cremation.

The first, called "collective", is carried out by an incineration company, generally contacted by your veterinarian.

This solution is the least expensive and will cost you between 40 and 120 €.

The second, called "individual", will allow you to attend the cremation and collect the ashes of your little protege if you wish.

To do this, you can call your veterinarian or contact an animal crematorium.

Plan to pay between 75 and 200 €, not including the price of an urn which can vary from 30 to 250 €.

the funeral

If, on the contrary, you want to keep your loulou's body to bury it, whether it died at your home or was euthanized by a veterinarian, again, the legislation allows it under certain conditions.

The departmental health regulations, specific to each territory, generally require choosing land or a garden that is at least 35 meters from a water point or a dwelling.

In addition, you must dig a hole at least 1.20 meters deep, to prevent other animals from digging up the corpse.

Then place the remains of your pet in a cloth, and place it on the ground or in a box, before covering it with earth.

On the other hand, it is strictly forbidden to throw the body of an animal in the trash, in nature or in a body of water.

Article L228-5 of the rural and maritime fishing code provides for a fine of €3,750 for offenders.

Finally, your protege was a horse or another animal weighing more than 40 kilos?

Remember to contact a knacker within 48 hours of his death to come and collect the remains, as required by article L. 226-6 of the rural and maritime fishing code.

Animal cemeteries

For those who would like to buy a concession for their pet and visit it in a place provided for this purpose, note that there are around forty animal cemeteries in France.

Nevertheless, you will have to put your hand in the wallet.

For example, a concession renewable for up to 20 years is worth between €200 and €3,500 depending on the municipality, not counting the annual maintenance costs.

To find the list of cemeteries intended for animals, do not hesitate to contact your town hall, which can provide you with information.

Recently, it is also possible to register your pet in a virtual cemetery.

All you have to do is fill in a personalized form for your little protege and reserve a spot for him on one of the specialized sites.

It is then up to you to choose the formula that suits you, the number of photos, the creation of a virtual tomb, a book of condolences, etc., to honor his memory.



Because we don't all react the same way to the death of an animal that was dear to us, some people prefer to have it stuffed.

A legal alternative which still requires the intervention of a professional, called a taxidermist.

Its naturalization services will cost you an average of €300 and waiting times are generally quite long (between three and six months).


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