Teller Report

Musk "definitely" agrees with Macron's call to participate in protecting children online

11/11/2022, 11:37:45 AM

The new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, confirmed today that he "definitely" agreed to an invitation by French President Emmanuel Macron to participate in efforts to protect children online, following the launch of a "lab" on this issue yesterday in Paris. The French president wrote via Twitter in English yesterday:

Musk "definitely" agrees with Macron's call to participate in protecting children online

The new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, confirmed today that he "definitely" agreed to an invitation by French President Emmanuel Macron to participate in efforts to protect children online, after the launch of a "lab" on this topic yesterday in Paris.

And the French president wrote via Twitter in English yesterday: “Elon Musk, will the blue bird protect our children?”, referring to the logo of the famous network.

"To all volunteers: join us," Macron added on Twitter following the launch of the initiative.

In response to this call, Elon Musk tweeted today in French, "Definitely," adding in English, "We will take measures in this area."

The lab launched by Macron includes platforms, NGOs and regulators, and its task will be to address the consequences of the increasing exposure of minors to pornography, harassment and online violence.

This initiative was launched during a meeting at the Elysee Palace with non-governmental organizations and representatives of major digital platforms and search engines (Meta, Microsoft, Google, Tik Tok...), on the occasion of the Paris Peace Forum.

Argentine President Alberto Fernandez and Estonia's Alar Karis also participated in the launch of this initiative.

At the start of the meeting, Macron said that "the digital space cannot be free from laws. This is the battle we have fought against terrorism and we are fighting against hate speech on the Internet. This is what we must continue at the level of protecting our children."

The French president, who was next to his wife Brigitte, who is also active in the matter, pointed out that this laboratory must identify "the right ways to establish controls and improve the protection of our children on the Internet."

"Protecting our children online requires better verification of users' age, better detection and deterrence of sexual predators, better detection and prevention of cyberbullying, and greater effectiveness in withdrawing content," Macron said on Twitter.

This initiative is inspired by the Christchurch Call to Counter Violent Extremism Online, launched by New Zealand and France after the massacre that killed 51 people in two mosques in this New Zealand city in 2019.

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