Teller Report

He's been living with a bullet in his neck for 77 years... and he doesn't know

11/11/2022, 4:44:14 PM

An elderly Chinese man was stunned when doctors told him what X-rays showed them, while he was conducting medical examinations. X-rays of the 95-year-old former soldier Zhao Hu revealed a shocking surprise when it was found that he had been carrying a bullet in his neck for 77 years. The bullet had lodged in his body since the heat.

He's been living with a bullet in his neck for 77 years... and he doesn't know

An elderly Chinese man was stunned when doctors told him what X-rays showed him while he was undergoing medical examinations.

X-rays revealed a 95-year-old former soldier, Zhao Hu, to a shocking surprise when it was found that he had been carrying a bullet in his neck for 77 years.

The bullet had lodged in his body since World War II, but he didn't even know it was there until medical staff at a hospital in Shandong, China discovered it by chance.

And the newspaper "Daily Star" quoted his brother-in-law, Wang Chao, as saying that his father-in-law was not aware that he had ever been wounded in the neck, knowing that he had been shot repeatedly during the war, as there are traces of that on his body until now.

Wang added that he was wounded while carrying his wounded comrade across a river during one of the battles.

There are also shrapnel in other parts of his body.

Medical experts were astonished that the bullet did not cause any problems for the man despite having been in his neck for 77 years.

Because of the sensitive bullet positioning, and also because of the man's age, doctors decided not to remove the bullet because removing it would involve risky surgery.

Zhao agreed with the doctors' decision, commenting, "I've been in good health all these years, so there's no reason to change things now."

The veteran joined the Chinese army as a teenager.

He fought two wars, including the Korean War in the 1950s on the side of North Korea, against the United States and South Korea.

He says he retired as a hero to pursue a simpler life and has since worked in local factories.

This is not the first time a World War II veteran has had such an experience.

In 2003, former Scottish soldier Robert Kinkade was discovered to have been shot in the neck by a bullet that had been there since World War II.

Kincaid commented on the discovery at the time: "I knew I was shot but I always thought the bullet went in and out of my neck. But it seems to have been there all this time."

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