Teller Report

Basima Al-Misbahi: Books give us answers that everyday life does not provide

11/11/2022, 10:01:44 PM

The writer and translator Basma Al-Misbahi said that her beginning in the world of authorship and translation was with reading books. meet

Basima Al-Misbahi: Books give us answers that everyday life does not provide

Basima Al-Masbahi.

From the source

The writer and translator Basma Al-Misbahi said that her beginning in the world of authorship and translation was with reading books. He overflows with it and would like to share it with others, whether it is in writing personally or with others.

She added during a session entitled “The Young Author and Translator” as part of the book fair’s activities: “A person does not depend only on the reactions of others as much as he depends on passion and continuation of the march to achieve something he would like to achieve. Who listens and who takes encouragement and criticism from him and builds his career on it.

And she continued: I started reading in English, since my studies were in English, and it continued after university and during work, then I returned to the Arabic language and found it difficult at first, but with the continuation of the language, the language developed, especially in literary publications.

She stressed the importance of making improvements to the content before editing and publishing, noting the importance of not translating unless there is a qualitative addition or writing training.

She pointed out that the Arabic translator relies on the text only, and the publisher publishes it as he takes it from the writer directly, but in the West there is a whole team for checking and observation.

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