Teller Report

An American entrepreneur seeks to convert a prison sentence against her to house arrest

11/11/2022, 11:31:28 AM

 American entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, said blood tests that she deserves to spend 18 months under house arrest, not prison.

An American entrepreneur seeks to convert a prison sentence against her to house arrest

 US entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, has said she deserves 18 months of house arrest, not prison, for blood tests.

Holmes asked the judge scheduled to rule on her next week not to view her "false and reprehensible" image as a fraud, but to view her as a human being, according to Bloomberg News.

Ten months after she was found guilty of defrauding investors who lost hundreds of millions of dollars in her company, Holmes, 37, filed for clemency late Thursday, letters from more than 130 friends, relatives, investors in Theranos, and former company employees who described what he said. Her lawyers identified him as the real Elizabeth Holmes."  

Defense lawyers said that US Judge Edward Davila, who has been examining her case since her conviction in 2018, the year in which Theranos collapsed once its value reached nine billion dollars, will use his sentence, whatever it may be, to send a message to Silicon Valley and others.

Experts said the goal was not only to punish Holmes for the fraud for which she was convicted, but to deter workers in the technology sector where the lines between propaganda and fraud are blurred.

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