Teller Report

The return of Netanyahu and the Zionist extremist right

11/10/2022, 5:49:30 PM

Netanyahu's history is full of working to disrupt the political tracks, and thwart any opportunity for political settlements since his first premiership until today; It embraces a set of principles that aborts any opportunity for the political process.

The results of the Israeli elections provide Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of the Likud party and former Israeli prime minister, the opportunity to form a stable government that could extend for 4 years.

According to these results, there will be a government of the Zionist extremist right-wing racist, supported by a parliamentary bloc of 64 members, and based for its survival and stability on the fascist "Religious Zionism" party led by the extremists "Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir".

Which reaffirms the continuation of the shift in the Zionist society towards the right and the adoption of religious extremism and racism, and the fading of the forces of the Zionist left and the weakening of their political influence, to the extent that the formation of governments in Israel is based on the alliance between the right and the extreme right, rather between the extreme right and fascist parties, as in the next government. .

This government, with its partisan formation, adopts a set of political principles that pose a real danger not only to the Palestinians and their cause, but also extends its influence to several countries and regional powers, which requires serious and unconventional positions to confront them.

This fascist coalition does not respect any of the Arabs, and the philosophy of peace with the Arabs is based, from the point of view of its president, Netanyahu, as stated in his book “A Place Under the Sun,” on the basis of military superiority over the countries of the region combined, which is what he calls “the peace of deterrence.”

At the regional level, this government will put the Iranian file at the top of its priorities, and Netanyahu is preparing his main battle with it, and thus the Israeli role will increase in pressure on Iran and tampering with its internal front, as well as working to sabotage any regional agreements or settlements, especially between Iran and Arab countries, especially the Gulf states. Including, and may contribute to the region's exit from the cycle of interwar wars and internal and sectarian fighting.

For this government coalition, Jordan is the place of the supposed Palestinian state, and the alternative homeland project will return to the fore again.

The Hashemite guardianship of Al-Aqsa and the holy sites in Jerusalem will not be respected, and this government will work hard to implement the so-called “deal of the century” on the ground, which may lead to throwing the burden of the main population centers in the West Bank on Jordan, and undermining the existence of the Palestinian Authority.

This fascist coalition does not respect any of the Arabs, and the philosophy of peace with the Arabs is based, from the point of view of its president, Netanyahu, as stated in his book “A Place Under the Sun,” on the basis of military superiority over the countries of the region combined, which is what he calls “the peace of deterrence” in which the countries of the region resort to peace With Israel as a result of its weakness, not its conviction for peace.

Also, this entity and this government - like its predecessors - will not constitute a real bond or a reliable friend for the Gulf states, in the face of regional challenges or inter-conflict conflicts, whether due to their actual inability to do so or their racist view towards the Arabs;

Therefore, Jordan and a number of other Arab countries should intensify their efforts to mobilize the positions of regional and international forces opposing this government, and cooperate with all governments and parties to isolate and weaken it.

Especially since consistency with the policies of this government will be embarrassing for the West in general and for the Democratic administration in the White House in particular.

On the Palestinian level, the man's history is full of working to disrupt political tracks and thwart any opportunity for political settlements since his first prime ministership in 1996 until today, as he embraces a set of principles that abort any opportunity for political progress.

These include Israel’s exclusive sovereignty west of the river, and Jerusalem is its unified and eternal capital, and there is no return for any Palestinian refugee, and other policies that put a final end to the idea of ​​a two-state solution by agreement, or through a political process in which the Zionist entity is a partner.

This government will work to intensify settlements in the West Bank, Judaization in the city of Jerusalem, and the temporal and spatial division of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It will increase the pace of killing of Palestinians in the West Bank. It will not take into consideration or compliment the Palestinian Authority in its measures, but will practice them in a rude, blatant and humiliating manner.

This coalition, in addition to the fact that it does not value the Palestinians and their leaders, fully believes in the necessity of getting rid of them and expelling them from Palestine, including the Palestinians of the 1948 territories.

Accordingly, this government puts the entire Palestinian leadership, political institutions, factions and popular forces, as well as the regional forces - Arab and Islamic - before the facts naked as they are, without the slightest amount of embellishment or deception.

The Palestinians must face these facts seriously and in a manner befitting the Palestinian people and their cause. Therefore, it is necessary to:

  • Leaving the illusion of a political settlement and the peace process, and frankly telling the Palestinian people that this path is over.

  • Searching for paths, both political and militant, to be more feasible and serious.

  • Work seriously and responsibly to arrange the Palestinian house and restore internal Palestinian cohesion away from hegemony and exclusivity, and on the basis of real and effective national partnership.

  • Dispelling the fears of the various parties caused by factional practices during the era of division.

    Confronting and resisting the occupation should not pose a threat to any Palestinian party.

    Also, reconciliation and the rebuilding of the political establishment should not lead to the exclusion or weakening of another party.

  • Focusing on rehabilitating external support, especially Arab support for the Palestinians and their cause, and overcoming the remnants of the past era.

  • Dealing with the existence of this government as an opportunity that must be invested in this framework, because the danger threatens everyone, and its extremism, racism and terrorism will not be limited to the Palestinians alone.

  • Working to dismantle what appears to be a contradiction between adopting the resistance and strengthening its role on the one hand, and intensifying political and diplomatic action on the other.

  • We should not continue to submit to this separation that some imposed on the Palestinians. The Palestinians are indispensable for the two tracks, as long as they are in the stage of national liberation.

  • Mobilizing the Palestinian people with its various forces to confront this extremist racist enemy and provide all the requirements of steadfastness and confrontation, as it is a people that does not soften, does not retreat and does not give up its rights, and for more than 100 years, it has been fighting the occupier and insisting on its defeat and the liberation of its homeland.

The Palestinian people are not facing the weakness of the official Arab support for the Palestinian cause, despite the remarkable outcomes of the Algiers Summit, the weakness in the official Palestinian leadership, and the political division and dispersion.

Except for steadfastness, resistance, and confronting the occupation with all its might, as it did several times in previous harsh historical junctures, including the years 1987 and 2000, during which it waged a fierce struggle that confused the occupation’s calculations and brought its cause back to the forefront of the regional and international scene.