Teller Report

The police explain: This is why cars burn in Malmö

11/9/2022, 11:01:04 PM

Over a hundred cars were damaged in car fires during October and November in Malmö. But why are cars set on fire?

The car fires have replaced each other recently.

In Malmö alone, around thirty car fires have been reported during October and November.

Crimes are often difficult to investigate because important evidence is often burned up.

- Sometimes we can be lucky that the emergency services or the police can get to a place quickly to extinguish, and then you can secure some technical evidence.

Another important part is witness statements, what people saw and heard, says Nils Norling, press spokesperson at the police.

"Can ruin everyday life completely"

And there are several reasons why cars are set on fire.

Often it can be about young men who want to show what they are capable of in order to climb in criminal circles or show strength against competitors.

But it can also be about cases of mental illness, insurance breaches, clean bus routes or social unrest in an area.

- These are crimes that can have an incredibly large impact on a family.

Getting rid of your car can really ruin everyday life for a family, says Nils Norling.

Hear the police tell more about the causes of the car fires in the clip above.