Teller Report

Minister Valditara's letter to the schools is a coincidence. Anpi and center-left: "It's propaganda"

11/9/2022, 9:06:56 PM

But "what are the walls of today", and "the sea, in reference to migrants, can today represent a wall?" was asked during a conference by a group of students

For those who aim to realize the utopia of communism, "the way to heaven on earth is paved with millions of corpses".

Moreover, where this ideology "prevails it inevitably turns into an equally great nightmare" and "thus ruthless tyrannical regimes take shape, capable of reaching heights of violence and brutality among the highest that mankind has managed to touch".

It is an interpretation of history that is debatable, the one contained in the letter that the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, sent to the students on the occasion of the Day of Freedom established to celebrate the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. A part of the political world, from the Democratic Party to the Green Left Alliance, reacts indignantly against this reading of those events:

it is propaganda and para revisionist story


The Anpi

, the national association of partisans of Italy, reports that "the letter removes the fact that

November 9 is the world day against fascism and anti-Semitism proclaimed by the United Nations



the minister replied to the series of attacks, defined as "instrumental", and underlined: "There are those who are a proud and sincere friend of Israel and those who are friends of Hamas. I am a friend of the Jewish state"


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

also spoke on the historic event of 1989

, calling it

"a watershed for the world". 

Valditara, in his message to the students, recalled the fall of the Wall in 1989 as a "

symbolic event of the collapse of the Soviet bloc

", explaining, however, that this "does not mark the end of communism, to which it continues to refer even today, among other countries. , the People's Republic of China ".

Then an analysis of the historical path of communism in the last century: born as "a great utopia", it then turned out to be definitively "bankruptcy" precisely with the events in Berlin 33 years ago. 

But "

what are the walls of today", and "the sea, in reference to migrants, can today represent a wall?

" Was asked by a group of students, before the minister left, for institutional commitments, a debate to which participated in connection. 

In a few hours the political controversy broke out.

"It is a biased reading that the school certainly does not need. The Italian school is a reservoir of excellence, professionalism and knowledge, which do not require the lesson of a minister who sits in the government and not in a university classroom", he comments the

deputy of the Democratic Party, Ilenia Malavasi


Similar words come from the deputy and

responsible school of the dem, Irene Manzi

, and from the

president of the senators of the Democratic Party, Simona Malpezzi

, for whom "the denomination merits of the ministry, from today we must add and propaganda". 


general secretary of the Flc CGIL, Francesco Sinopoli

, in an open letter declares himself "perplexed and very worried", defining the letter as a "

letter from Minculpop



Maurizio Acerbo, national secretary of the Party of the Communist Refoundation - European Left

, these are "commonplaces of anti-communism".


national secretary of the Italian Left, Nicola Fratoianni


parliamentarian of the Green Left Alliance, he adds: "After the holder of the culture on right-wing fiction, today it is up to the holder of the Education to stand on the rubble of the Berlin Wall, to give a very stale lesson on communism".