Teller Report

Biden calls the Midterm election "a good day for democracy in the US"

11/9/2022, 10:42:47 PM

US President satisfied, while the game for the control of the Senate remains open and the Republicans have not made it through the House. "We have just started working on our program", which from next year will unfold its results

"We won the elections yesterday, it was a good day for democracy and for America."

This was stated by Joe Biden, who appeared satisfied in the White House in the speech made to comment on the outcome of the Midterm elections.

The US Democrats fared better than expected.

Currently the game for the control of the Senate remains open, which could also be decided only in a month with the ballot in Georgia and the Republicans have not broken through as feared in the House of Representatives.

although they have won the majority.

"While the press and pundits were predicting a giant red wave, this didn't happen," Biden concluded.

"The Americans have expressed their concerns", such as security or purchasing power, said the American president, who then recalled all the measures and measures approved by his administration in recent months: "We have just started working on our program ", which will show its results more clearly from the beginning of next year.

The US head of state said he was happy to have directly called several Democrats who were elected in this election. 

"We have made the right decisions for the American people", Biden said, stressing that "the voters have been clear in saying that they are frustrated and I understand that".

After years of pandemic, the Democratic president said, "Covid no longer controls our lives".

Biden also explained that the White House is responding to American concerns and summarized his plans.

He specifically mentioned the semiconductor industry, which will create "a lot of jobs" in the United States.

"When you look at the results, the majority of Americans support my political agenda," the US president said.

Biden said he was "ready" to work with the Republican opposition and to compromise after the elections, warning that "he would not support any Republican proposals that would worsen inflation. Voters don't want more taxes."

The head of the White House then issued the same warning regarding measures against abortion.

"If we work together, we have to remember what the United States is," he said.

"I will veto any attempt to pass a national ban on abortion."

The president then added that immediately after returning from the G20 summit in Bali he aims to organize a bipartisan meeting on the economic issues of the future.

Back from the G20 in Bali Biden assured that he will ask Congress to continue working with bipartisan commitment against Russia's aggression on Ukraine.

"I was told that Vladimir Putin will probably not be at the G20", said the US head of state, where "there will be an opportunity to discuss the next steps necessary for peace in Ukraine".