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"Breaking the Four Uniques" and "Setting a New Standard" New arrangements have been made for the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation

11/9/2022, 10:01:04 PM

Not only that, the "Plan" also puts forward clear requirements for the comprehensive pilot of the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation at the local level, highlighting the characteristics of regional scientific and technological innovation and talent development, strengthening the reform of system and mechanism, policy innovation and resource integration, systematically designing the reform of local talent evaluation, and promoting it. Comprehensive reform experiment.

Eight departments including the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the "Plan"-

There are new arrangements for the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation

  ◎Our reporter Liu Yin

  The evaluation of scientific and technological talents once again ushered in heavy news!

On November 9, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with the Ministry of Education and other 7 departments, jointly held a kick-off meeting for the pilot reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation, and deployed and promoted the "Work Plan for Carrying out the Pilot Reform of Scientific and Technological Talent Evaluation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

The "Plan" focuses on the national scientific and technological tasks to make good use of live talents, focusing on "what to evaluate, who will evaluate, how to evaluate, and how to use", with "breaking the four uniques" and "setting new standards" as breakthroughs, in order to deepen reform and Policy coordination is the guarantee, and a scientific and technological talent evaluation system oriented by innovation value, ability and contribution will be constructed according to the types of innovation activities, so as to provide strong talent support for realizing high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and building a world science and technology power.

  The "Plan" is clear and insists on problem-oriented, classified promotion, use of traction, and coordinated implementation.

"Promote the implementation of talent evaluation reform in major national innovation activities such as major scientific and technological tasks and major innovation base construction, and strive to overcome the tendency of 'thesis only, professional title only, academic qualifications only, and awards only'." Ministry of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Talent and Science Popularization Related The person in charge said that the reform highlights the national goals and mission orientation, and insists that whoever uses the evaluation should use the evaluation results, and the evaluation results should be used scientifically.

  A reporter from Science and Technology Daily learned that the two-year pilot reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation will be carried out in 12 scientific research institutes including the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, and Tsinghua University. 9 universities including Peking University and Zhejiang University, and 6 places including Shanghai and Shandong Province.

  Facing the Difficulty in Implementing the Reform of Talent Evaluation

  The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the evaluation of scientific and technological talents.

In 2018, the Central Office and the State Office issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Reform of the Talent Evaluation Mechanism by Classification" and "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Project Evaluation, Talent Evaluation, and Institutional Evaluation", improving the evaluation standards for classification and promoting the reform of "three evaluations", etc. Make a system deployment.

  "All localities and relevant departments have conscientiously implemented the requirements of the central government and introduced a series of reform measures such as 'breaking the four uniques'. Positive progress has been made in the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation." Compared with self-improvement, the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation still has the problem of difficult implementation and insufficient implementation, and the "sense of acquisition" of scientific and technological talents is not strong.

  In view of the outstanding problems of "setting new standards", innovation of evaluation methods, and inadequate construction of the evaluation system for employers after "breaking the four uniques" in talent evaluation, the "Plan" clarifies the roadmap for the pilot reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation, from the internal and external environment of the unit. system deployment.

  Internally, the unit mainly explores new evaluation indicators, methods, cycles, and internal systems according to different types of scientific and technological innovation activities, and conducts systematic design; the external environment is mainly deployed from relevant departments to promote the "three evaluations" reform and linkage, and build a talent evaluation system with industry characteristics. Through internal and external synergy, explore the formation of a scientific and technological talent evaluation system that is conducive to concentrated research.

  "Through the two-year pilot project, we will explore the formation of different types of innovation activity categories and evaluation indicators and evaluation methods for scientific and technological talents, and the evaluation mechanism for the discovery, training, use and incentive of scientific and technological talents will be more perfect, and the experience and practice that can be replicated and promoted will be formed." The above said the person in charge.

  Focus on national mission classification to carry out pilot projects

  It is worth noting that this pilot adheres to the principle of having both ability and political integrity. On the basis of strengthening the evaluation of scientific spirit and academic ethics of scientific and technological talents, it is divided into four categories: undertaking major national key research tasks, basic research, applied research and technology development, and social welfare research. Deploy pilot tasks for innovation activities.

  Specifically, the evaluation of scientific and technological talents who undertake major national key research tasks is oriented to support and serve the major strategic needs of the country, and establish evaluation indicators that reflect the actual contribution and innovation value of supporting national security, breaking through key core technologies, and solving major problems in economic and social development; The evaluation of basic research talents is guided by academic contribution and innovative value, eliminating the tendency of "only papers" in quantity, and exploring a low-frequency and long-term evaluation mechanism; the evaluation of applied research and technology development talents is guided by technological breakthroughs and industrial contributions, focusing on Evaluate representative achievements such as technical standards, technical solutions, high-quality patents, industrialization of achievement transformation, and in-depth integration of production, education and research; evaluation of social welfare research talents, focusing on serving public management, responding to emergencies, and ensuring people's livelihood and social security The ability and effect of the development and service of common key technologies shall not be established as a rigid economic benefit evaluation index.

  Not only that, the "Plan" also puts forward clear requirements for the comprehensive pilot of the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation at the local level, highlighting the characteristics of regional scientific and technological innovation and talent development, strengthening the reform of system and mechanism, policy innovation and resource integration, systematically designing the reform of local talent evaluation, and promoting it. Comprehensive reform experiment.

  "The reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation is a systematic project with high complexity and great difficulty in reform, which is related to the vital interests of scientific researchers. The smooth development and actual results of the pilot work cannot be separated from the guidance, supervision and service guarantee of relevant departments and localities. The pilot unit will not take the initiative to take responsibility and pay close attention to the implementation." The relevant person in charge said.

  To this end, the "Plan" puts forward requirements for relevant departments, pilot places and units. For example, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other six departments, as the competent departments of the pilot units, should improve the industry talent evaluation mechanism and give employers the autonomy to evaluate.

  As the main responsible department, the Ministry of Science and Technology will shoulder the responsibility of organizing and promoting and take the lead in reforms, such as eliminating the "four uniques" in the evaluation of scientific and technological plan projects, performance evaluation of scientific research institutions, and selection of scientific and technological talent plans, highlighting innovation value, ability, contribution orientation, and Summarize and condense the results in a timely manner.

  (Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, November 9th)