Teller Report

US strategic bomber participates in air exercises with South Korea

11/5/2022, 5:59:08 PM

The South Korean Air Force announced that a US strategic bomber joined air exercises with the United States on Saturday afternoon, in a clear show of force against North Korea.

US strategic bomber participates in air exercises with South Korea

The South Korean Air Force announced that a US strategic bomber joined air exercises with the United States on Saturday afternoon, in a clear show of force against North Korea.

The South Korean Air Force stated that the US B-1B aircraft will participate in the Allied exercise "Vigilant Storm", which is taking place in the skies of the Korean Peninsula, according to the Korean radio network KBS World. Southern Saturday.

The exercises were initially scheduled to end on Friday, but the two allies extended them for one day in response to North Korean provocations during the training period, including the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile Thursday.

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