Teller Report

Three clubs including Hebei were penalized by the Football Association and deducted 3 points from the league for arrears in wages

11/5/2022, 5:40:56 AM

On the 5th, the official website of the Chinese Football Association issued a notice to punish some professional football clubs for failing to repay their arrears in accordance with regulations. After receiving the "Wage Arrears Summary Sheet" submitted by various professional football clubs and the complaint materials submitted by those who were owed wages, the Football Association and the relevant clubs jointly confirmed the total amount of arrears of wages.

  China News Service, November 5th. On the 5th, the official website of the Chinese Football Association issued a notice to punish some professional football clubs for failing to implement the repayment of arrears in accordance with regulations.

Screenshot of the official website of the Chinese Football Association

  The "Notice" stated that the Football Association has issued documents in April and July 2022 respectively, emphasizing that professional football clubs should settle the arrears of wages by no less than 30% of the total amount before July 31, 2022.

At the same time, the Football Association issued a document on July 19, stating that it would openly accept the submission of complaint materials from relevant personnel.

  After receiving the "Wage Arrears Summary Sheet" submitted by various professional football clubs and the complaint materials submitted by those who were owed wages, the Football Association and the relevant clubs jointly confirmed the total amount of arrears of wages.

After review, Hebei Football Club, Wuhan Yangtze River Football Club and Hunan Xiangtao Football Club failed to implement the requirements in accordance with the regulations. According to the relevant penalty rules, the Football Association decided to deduct 3 points from the league points for the 2022 season on the above three clubs. 

  At the end of the "Notice", the Football Association emphasized that professional football clubs should attach great importance to the repayment of arrears.

For clubs that fail to implement the notification requirements, once verified, they will be dealt with in accordance with regulations.
