Teller Report

Norway and electricity companies among the winners of the energy crisis

11/5/2022, 8:41:16 PM

Many consumers are affected by high electricity bills this autumn. But in the wake of the energy crisis, there are also clear winners: certain electricity companies and oil-producing states. Our neighboring country Norway is one of those who are making large sums of money from the energy crisis right now.

Fortum and Vattenfall are two of the major electricity producers on the Swedish electricity market.

- The electricity produced by both companies is very cheap compared to the prices on the market right now, says Torbjörn Isacson, independent financial analyst at Dagens industri.

Jonas Stenbeck, private customer manager at Vattenfall Sales, confirms that the company is making money on the production side.

That the profits could be used to lower prices for customers, is that something you can imagine?

- Our pricing is based on the prices on the electricity exchange Nordpool, and there the prices are set based on supply and demand, says Jonas Stenbeck to Ekonomibyrån.

He points out that this cannot be changed without some form of regulation of the market.

ELS Analysis: "Hope the profits are used for investments"

Elin Akinci, energy market expert at ELS Analysis, wishes that the large profits for the electricity companies lead to something positive in the long run.

- I hope that the profits can generate new production and that the money can be used for investments for the future in the transition that needs to be made, says Elin Akinci.

Oil producing countries winners

Some of the other winners are the oil producing countries.

The Norwegian state expects an increase in oil revenues of several hundred percent this year compared to last year.

- Through its production and exports, the revenue for oil and gas this year will be approximately 300 percent higher for the Norwegian state compared to last year, says Thina Saltvedt, energy analyst at Nordea.

Watch the clip above with Thina Saltvedt, energy analyst at Nordea, about the Norwegian state's increased oil revenues and what the near future will look like for Norway's production and export of oil.