Teller Report

Fors church in Eskilstuna has no graves - make temporary memorial groves

11/5/2022, 5:29:19 PM

Two memorial groves were built on Saturday outside Fors church in central Eskilstuna. The church does not have a cemetery and the temporary candle places are a way to make it easier for people to light a candle for their dead on Allahelgona Day.

In addition to the memorial groves, the church also lit 400 marshals around the entire church park.

It is the second year in a row that the Tunafors parish has done this, something which, according to deacon Pia Wikström, was appreciated last All Saints' Day.

- The park that is then lit up by all these marshals when it gets dark, it was on many social media, she says.

In the clip, you hear Pia Wikström talk about the idea behind the memorial groves.