Teller Report

17,000 citizens are looking for work in Sharjah, including 3,000 males

11/5/2022, 10:14:02 PM

The Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Emirate of Sharjah, Ali Mehd Al-Suwaidi, stated that the council recently conducted a study on the employment file in the emirate, which showed that the number of job seekers in Sharjah is about 17,000 citizens, of whom only 3,000 are males, distributed in various regions of the emirate. Swedish

Al Suwaidi: Updating old legislation is a top priority for the "Sharjah Consultant"

17,000 citizens are looking for work in Sharjah, including 3,000 males

Ali Al-Suwaidi: “There are mechanisms regarding employment, including the employment of at least one person from a family of four who is looking for work.”

The Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Emirate of Sharjah, Ali Mehd Al-Suwaidi, stated that the council recently conducted a study on the employment file in the emirate, which showed that the number of job seekers in Sharjah is about 17,000 citizens, of whom only 3000 are males, distributed over the various regions of the emirate.

In an interview with "Emirates Today", Al-Suwaidi said that His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, identified a number of mechanisms that give priority to employment, the first of which is the employment of at least one person from a family of four who are looking for work. To create some kind of income for this family, as well as give priority to young people in employment to settle, marry and raise a family.

He added that there are a number of people who suffer from real social problems such as debtors and debtors to banks, and they are also placed among the priorities of employment, pointing out that many agencies in the emirate are working on this file to ensure income security for every family of citizens residing in Sharjah.

The head of the "Sharjah Consultant" confirmed that all employment applications that reach the council are collected in a file and sent to human resources to inquire about the position of their owners, especially that some of them complain about the delay in responding to their application for appointment by years, as we inquire about the position of their owners and the possibility of appointing them, noting that The issue of Emiratisation or “employment” for which the Government of Sharjah has prepared a special program to determine who is eligible for work according to priorities.

Al-Suwaidi explained that there is an expansion in the role of the supervisory council with the aim of being able to reach the executive authority, noting that there are five channels of control for the council over the performance of government agencies, which are: summoning the head of the department in a public session and submitting a parliamentary question, or summoning an official in the government department, or going to the That body and follow-up work in it, as well as sending a special committee from the Council to set goals for the department and discuss them with officials, and finally convey the concerns of citizens to the departments so that the Council acts as a link between the two parties.

He said, "Today, the government is working on a number of important service files in accordance with its legislation, including the housing file and the social services file," pointing out that the Sharjah government is also concerned with the health aspect.

Today, there is a health authority that implements the health insurance system for Sharjah government employees and citizens over the age of 60, in addition to the expansion of hospitals such as the University, Madame, Khor Fakkan and others.

On the legislation that the council is examining, Al-Suwaidi explained that the council discussed, during the last period, the “Lack of Care” law, which is specialized in the Department of Social Services, and made amendments to 70% of it, and it includes the child, the elderly, the orphan and the mentally ill, as one of the important social issues.

Al-Suwaidi stated that the fourth ordinary session of the current tenth legislative term of the Council is scheduled to follow up on the previously issued recommendations and the proposed legislation, to try to retrieve them and find out what has been achieved and what has not been achieved, and then the full legislative term ends, explaining that the current session will witness greater focus on The issues that we want to resolve are mainly legislative issues, especially since the Council has been given the legislative capacity;

Currently, if 10 members agree on a proposal for legislation, they submit it to the president and submit it to the ruler for his opinion and approval if he deems it appropriate.

He stressed the council's endeavor to adopt legislation that serves the citizens and residents of the emirate, especially that there are a number of legislations that contain old articles dating back 15 or 20 years, and therefore work is underway to review and develop them in line with the requirements of the current era.

Al-Suwaidi revealed that amending the law of the Sharjah Education Council will be a top priority for the council in the current session, after the council prepared a number of important laws, including "real estate registration", and was approved by the Executive Council, as previously proposed by the control law and the emergency law, and a number of existing legislation with the the government.

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