Teller Report

Working gloves from frozen dumpling packaging... Counselor's response is 'poor'

11/3/2022, 9:10:19 AM

<Oh! Click> The last search term is 'work glove dumplings'. A few days ago, a work glove appeared in a frozen dumpling product of an organic food distributor in Korea, which is controversial.


Click> The last search term is 'work glove dumplings'.

A few days ago, a work glove appeared in a frozen dumpling product of an organic food distributor in Korea, which is controversial.

Inside the wrapping paper, used gloves are clogged with the dumplings and frozen.

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The netizen who shared the photo was outraged, saying, "Dirty work gloves came out of the company's products that are promoting as organic and eco-friendly."

She also pointed out that the customer center counselor's response was insufficient, saying, "Isn't it that hard to say I'm sorry?"

As the photo spread and controversy arose, the company posted an apology on its website, saying, “We have confirmed how foreign substances were mixed in the manufacturing process of the manufacturer. decided," he said.

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Regarding the point that the counselor's initial response was insufficient, he explained that the person in charge personally visited the customer and apologized.

Netizens commented, "It's so shocking that the gloves are almost whole, not fragments!"

"Where did you throw away the most basic hygiene concept while selling it as organic?!"

showed a reaction.