Teller Report

UAE welcomes permanent peace agreement in Ethiopia's Tigray region

11/3/2022, 8:10:23 PM

The UAE welcomed the announcement of the peace agreement reached by the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray People's Liberation Front, stressing that this agreement achieves the aspirations of the Ethiopian people for development and prosperity, and enhances Ethiopia's unity. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation -

UAE welcomes permanent peace agreement in Ethiopia's Tigray region

The UAE welcomed the announcement of the peace agreement reached by the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray People's Liberation Front, stressing that this agreement achieves the aspirations of the Ethiopian people for development and prosperity, and enhances Ethiopia's unity.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation commended the great efforts made by the African Union in supporting peace talks and achieving reconciliation, and the role of the Republic of South Africa in hosting peace talks, as well as the constructive role of the Republic of Kenya in the agreement that enhances the stability of Ethiopia and the region.

The Ministry stressed the importance of what was included in the agreement to allow the arrival of relief and humanitarian supplies, expressing its hope that it would be implemented in a way that would achieve more stability, development and growth for this friendly country and its people.

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