Teller Report

The Estonian Ministry of Internal Affairs will close the Narva-2 border checkpoint at the end of November

11/3/2022, 7:04:28 PM

The Estonian Ministry of the Interior has decided to close the second Narva-2 border checkpoint, as it no longer makes sense to keep it open due to the reduction in the number of people passing through it, reports ERR.

“After careful analysis, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has indeed taken the decision to close the pedestrian bridge connecting Narva and Ivangorod.

Although not for security reasons - as we mentioned earlier, this bridge does not pose any security threat, because only people who have a residence permit in Estonia and Estonian citizens move on it,” said Vootele Päi, adviser to the Minister of the Interior. .

According to him, “necessary transformations” will soon begin at the Narva border cordon.

In August, it was reported that the Estonian authorities imposed restrictions on the issuance of visas to Russians and stopped letting Russian citizens with Schengen visas into the republic.