Teller Report

Special Inspection Team, Yongsan Chief Investigation Request... Special analysis of confiscated items

11/3/2022, 12:35:02 PM

Earlier, I was informed that the Special Inspection Team of the National Police Agency had requested an investigation into the person in charge of the accident time 112 situation room, and at the same time, the head of the Yongsan Police Station at the time also requested an investigation.


Earlier, I was informed that the Special Inspection Team of the National Police Agency had requested an investigation into the person in charge of the accident time 112 situation room.

Connect with reporters. 

Reporter Han So-hee, did you see that the Yongsan Police Station chief at the time also had a problem with on-site response or command?


Yes, the Special Inspection Team commissioned an investigation into Lim-jae Lee, the Chief of Yongsan Police Station, who was issued a standby order by the National Police Agency yesterday (2nd).

This is the reason that, despite being in charge of the scene, he arrived late at the scene of the accident, neglected command and management, and reported late to the superior.

According to the situation report of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency that we obtained, Superintendent Lee gave the first instructions regarding the Itaewon disaster on the day of the disaster at 10:18 pm three minutes from the time of the accident.

It was about turning on the available manpower by radio.

Two minutes later, he ordered vehicle control and safety accident prevention.

The fire department issued a response level 3 at 11:50 p.m., but Superintendent Lee ordered an ambulance passageway until midnight.

It is the judgment of the special inspection team that this timely response was not appropriate.

The extent of the delay in reporting, such as when Superintendent Lee first made a phone call to the Commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency 1 hour and 19 minutes after the accident, is also expected to become an issue of investigation.


How is the special edition investigation continuing?


Today's special edition focused on the analysis of confiscated items.

Yesterday, the special edition seized and searched eight places including the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Yongsan Police Station 112 Situation Room, and Yongsan-gu Office.

While analyzing the confiscated material, the special division plans to investigate the related persons, including the two superintendents who were commissioned for the investigation.

(On-site moderator: Kim Dae-cheol, video editing: Lee So-young)