Teller Report

Netanyahu and his allies win a clear majority in the Israeli elections

11/3/2022, 7:04:34 PM

Yesterday, the Central Elections Committee announced that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies won a majority of Knesset seats. The results showed that Likud won 32 seats, and 18 seats for the two ultra-Orthodox parties, United Torah Judaism for Western Ashkenazi Jews and Shas for Eastern Jews (Sepradim).

Netanyahu and his allies win a clear majority in the Israeli elections

Yesterday, the Central Elections Committee announced that Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies won a majority of Knesset seats.

The results showed that Likud won 32 seats, 18 seats for the two ultra-Orthodox religious parties, United Torah Judaism for Western Ashkenazi Jews and Shas for Mizrahim (Sepradim), and 14 seats for the extreme right-wing alliance “Religious Zionism.”

Thus, the right-wing bloc headed by Netanyahu won 64 seats, while the outgoing Yair Lapid bloc won 51 seats.

Following the announcement of the results, Lapid congratulated Netanyahu, the leader of the Likud party, on his victory in the legislative elections,

which took place on the first of November.

Lapid said in a statement issued by his office: "The State of Israel is above any account. I wish success to Netanyahu and success to the people of Israel and the State of Israel."

Lapid told Netanyahu that he had instructed his entire office to prepare for an orderly transition of power.

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