Teller Report

Nadef, drills, dl Ministries: Giorgia Meloni prepares a busy Council of Ministers

11/3/2022, 11:10:26 PM

At 5 pm, the government meeting was called to discuss the main issues at the center of the political agenda, from economic measures to the reorganization of ministries and the creation of an inter-ministerial committee on maritime policies

The day after her visit to Brussels, in which she met the leaders of the European institutions,

an intense day of work and appointments is expected for

Giorgia Meloni .

After the homage to the Altare della Patria with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the celebrations of

November 4

(Armed Forces Day), the premier will hold a

Council of Ministers

- for 5 pm - in which the various issues at the center of the political debate: on the table, according to what is learned, in addition to the integration of


, there should also be a

Ministries bill

, which revises the names and proxies.

Economic measures: support for families and businesses and drills

There would be at least

15 billion euros in aid to families and businesses

to cope with the expensive bills, among the measures contained in the Update to the document on economics and finance, which will be discussed in the Council of Ministers in the afternoon.

According to government sources, the text is still being examined by the Mef for the latest revisions;

and, given the macroeconomic scenario, it would be based on a criterion of great prudence, based on the approach of the Minister of Economy,

Giancarlo Giorgetti


The estimates contained in the document should specify, according to what it filters, that the most difficult years for expensive bills are the current one and the next, given the fluctuations in the price of raw materials.

Two cornerstones of the text that will be discussed at Palazzo Chigi: the forecasts for 2023, with the

deficit / GDP ratio at 4.5%

, and the programmatic growth at + 0.6%.

But in the government, according to what is being learned in these hours, a provision on


is also being studied and it is not excluded that it may already be presented today.

Sources of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, consulted on the matter, confirm that work is underway intensively on a measure concerning the extraction of gas.

The dl Ministries: a structure to support businesses and the committee on the sea

Among the innovations introduced, there is also a structure to

support and protect the rights of companies

, to simplify investment procedures.

The provision lowers the value of investments for the national production system from 50 to 25 million euros - adding the reference to "significant employment effects", beyond which the exercise of substitute powers may be required, which was previously attributed to the Mise and now to the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy. Among the tasks of the structure, the investigation of requests (also dealing with the relevant national and local subjects involved in the investment) and support for businesses, in order to identify suitable initiatives to overcome any delays or to remove any obstacles to the conclusion of the procedure.

But there will also be news on

maritime policies

, which are expected to remain in the hands of the premier: "The prime minister coordinates, directs and promotes government action with reference to maritime policies".

This is what is written in the draft outline of the bill.

The provision establishes an inter-ministerial committee for the coordination of maritime policies at the Presidency of the Council, with the task of ensuring coordination and definition of the strategic guidelines of maritime policies.

The “enhancement of the maritime state property, with particular reference to

bathing concessions

”, is one of the strategic guidelines included in the Sea Plan that the Committee draws up every three years.

The measures on healthcare personnel no vax

To reiterate on live TV the importance of today's appointment, the vice president of the Council,

Matteo Salvini

: “There is a CDM, the first to deal with

economic matters


At 5 pm we will meet to begin to keep the commitments made with the Italians ”, the owner of the Infrastructures said.

Shortly before, the Minister of Health,

Orazio Schillaci

had clarified that the stop to the

fines for doctors and nurses no vax

“Will not be presented to the Council of Ministers.

We are working on it, we will see how to behave ”, announced the rector of Tor Vergata and owner of the dicastery in viale Ribotta.

The stop to the fines for the no vax health personnel had been announced but not included in the Aid ter decree.

With regard to the government's appeal against the law in force in Puglia, which prevents the return of medical no vax, Schillaci said: “We are evaluating.

The times will exceed the natural expiry of the provision, scheduled for next December 31st.

And a reflection must be made ”.