Teller Report

Minister Piantedosi meets the leaders of CGIL, Cisl and Uil. On the table the anti-rave decree

11/3/2022, 9:04:24 PM

The distinctions in the majority weigh heavily, squeezed between the changes announced by the guarantor wing of Forza Italia and the chill of Fratelli d'Italia that takes time. The PD calls for the withdrawal of the decree

The anti-rave decree just over 48 hours after approval by

the Council of Ministers

and publication in the Official Journal, could already be amended.

At least

two critical issues are on the table:

the excessive generality of the rule to define "the arbitrary invasion of other people's lands or buildings, public or private" and the possibility of intercepting (due to a penalty exceeding 5 years) even adolescents in search of those responsible for the crime.


Minister Piantedosi

will meet the leaders of the


(Maurizio Landini, Luigi Sbarra and Pierpaolo Bombardieri), according to union sources.

At the center of the meeting the decree that contains the norm on rave parties.

The meeting was requested by the unions with a letter sent to the head of the Interior Ministry. 

Meanwhile, the first stage of the decree is in the


where, in a few days, the parliamentary procedure of the law that increases the penalties for illegal raves will begin.

But that's the only point for now.

The fate of the first decree of the Meloni executive, passed last Monday and the target of criticism from the opposition and irony on social media, remains troubled.     

The distinctions

in the majority weigh heavily

, squeezed between the changes announced by the guarantor wing of Forza Italia (especially on wiretapping and freedom of expression) and the


of Fratelli d'Italia which takes time on a possible corrective by the government through an amendment to be presented in Parliament.

"It is still too early to talk about it", say some FdI parliamentary sources.

In particular, the proposal to lower the

maximum penalty

(now 6 years for those who organize rave parties, but which the forceists would like to reduce to 4) is not convincing because - it is their reasoning - "we are talking about people who do


in a gray area of ​​widespread illegality, prejudicing the participants ". If anything, the case could be better defined," distinguishing between those who organize the raves and those who participate. " badly written and unnecessary, according to the most repeated accusations. On a war footing is the Democratic Party, firm in asking for the withdrawal of the decree, because it is not enough to modify it.

Enrico Letta

summarizes it in a tweet that starting from the first cracks in the majority to modify the text, asks Prime Minister Meloni to take "a step further" or "with pride, withdraw it".

In the evening, the Dems are also attempting to make a


-amendment to the Aid ter decree (under consideration by the House) to abrogate the news on meetings "as soon as possible".

This was announced by the group leader in Montecitorio, Debora Serracchiani, who asked all parliamentary groups to sign it.

An essentially political attempt to stop a rule that, with its publication in the Official Gazette, is already law. The M5s are moving towards a


amendment .

"When I read the text, as a jurist even before a politician, I jumped on the chair - denounces the leader

Giuseppe Conte

- It is absurd that this new crime has been introduced, the result of a repressive culture out of place ". A little more willing to change it is the Third Pole:" Change what needs to be changed, avoid any attack on freedom of expression, after which we think about other things ", Matteo Renzi cuts short.     


embarrassment prevails among Berlusconi's men.

However, the Undersecretary of Justice,

Francesco Paolo Sisto

, is attempting mediation, remarking that "the excess of wiretapping is never an edifying sport for which, he proposes," one could think of a parliamentary modification of the maximum penalty to avoid them ", in addition to the "provision of the seizure aimed at confiscating the assets used for the purposes of the rave: it is an element that gives the law an effective special prevention function." The leader of the FI group in the Senate,

Licia Ronzulli, is clearer:

"It is unimaginable, as the Vice President of the Council Antonio Tajani said, that children are indiscriminately intercepted or that raves are the Trojan horse to prosecute other crimes".

In any case, we will have to wait a few more days for the parliamentary launch of the measure.

The decree was announced in the Chamber at Palazzo Madama but not yet assigned to any commission because they have not yet been established.

On Wednesday they are called for the first time and are expected to elect their presidents.

Only at that point can the first decree of the Meloni government be scheduled to start the general discussion

"The anti-rave decree? There was no need: in


there was an event, it was dealt with by the laws in force and it was resolved. If measures need to be taken, they must be taken, but in this case it goes much further the management of a rave, starting from the severity of the penalties up to 6 years for participation in an event, and then because so much indeterminacy in that article makes it clear that that law could be used to repress other forms of manifestation of thought or of the association that the Constitution protects ".

This was stated by the president of the Lazio region

Nicola Zingaretti

, interviewed by Fiorenza Sarzanini, deputy director of Corriere della Sera, about the anti-rave decree.

"Even within the center-right it seems that they have become aware of the need to modify the decree - she added - now it will arrive at the Chambers and I trust that it will go back to what I believe was a clear error"

"The request for


is a real and more than legitimate issue. When I was a Mayor, however, no citizen ever stopped me on the street asking me to solve the problem of rave parties".

Thus M5S deputy

Chiara Appendino

in a post on his Facebook profile where he describes "the law decree against raves (which has little to do with raves)", as "useless as it is dangerous, to the point that the majority itself is running for cover to modify it in Parliament" .

The citizens, explains the former mayor of Turin, recalling her experience as a first citizen, "asked me and still ask me to guarantee an adequate presence of law enforcement agencies in the area, to resolve the age-old question of Roma camps , to intervene on illegal occupations and not to see drug dealers on street corners just a few days after their arrest. From a Minister who was a competent Prefect, like Piantedosi ", adds Appendino,"

I would have expected interventions on urban and national security to give concrete answers to these urgencies that citizens have to deal with every day.

I would not have expected ", concludes Appendino," badly written, instrumental interventions that undermine the fundamental freedoms of each of us ".