Teller Report

"I was beaten" Elementary school sent home even after seeing child abuse wounds

11/3/2022, 10:16:44 AM

Even though an elementary school in Gwangju has confirmed the circumstances surrounding child abuse in the home, it is known that the victim was sent home. According to the Dongbu Police Station in Gwangju today, a report was received from an elementary school in Dong-gu on the 27th of last month saying, "Student A is suspected of being abused."

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Even though an elementary school in Gwangju has confirmed the circumstances surrounding child abuse in the home, it is known that the victim was sent home. 

According to the Gwangju Dongbu Police Station on the 3rd, a report was received from an elementary school in Dong-gu on the 27th of last month saying, "Student A (11) is suspected of being abused." 

Group A is known to have stated to the school that he was "beaten by his mother". 

Afterwards, the police, who started the investigation, interviewed Army A to separate her from her mother, but it is said that Army A expressed her intention to "do not want separation" to the police.

In this process, it was pointed out that the school's response was insufficient.

The school reported the suspected child abuse through 112 about 20 minutes before group A left school, but the school dismissed group A without protective measures.  

As soon as a report has been received, the police plan to file a case for child abuse by the mother of group A under the Child Welfare Act.

There was another student dismissed from school despite suspicion of abuse

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Earlier, on the 17th of last month, the school also caused controversy by dismissing a 12-year-old student B (12) suspected of domestic abuse without any protective measures.

At that time, group B had a severe injury that required a splint on his hand, and he had a history of child abuse reports in the past, so it was not a situation to be taken lightly.

However, the school reported it to the police officer in charge of school violence, not the police officer in charge of child abuse, and when he did not answer the call, Group B was dismissed from school without any special action.

A police officer who later checked the missed call heard about the child abuse and reported it to the local police station. 

Afterwards, the police interviewed group B at the school the next day to confirm the child abuse situation in the home and arrested the mother.

Regarding this, a school official said, "There are times when it is not good to report legally on the front line. We tried to discuss with the police officer in charge of the school first what is the best way to protect and educate students." I did. 

As for the reason for sending home students who were suspected of being abused without protecting them, it was reported that he explained, "We cannot infringe on a child's right to learn who has to go to a private academy, and we cannot leave a child at school without parental permission."

Meanwhile, according to the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes, school officials, etc. are obliged to immediately report to the investigation agency when they become aware of or suspect a child abuse crime.

If the report is not reported without justifiable reasons, a fine of not more than 10 million won will be imposed. 

However, unless there are special circumstances such as the need to protect the victimized child, the will of the victimized child, etc. must be respected.