Teller Report

"Combat exercise"? Is the situation in the UK so serious...

11/3/2022, 10:04:42 PM

Can't afford food, can't pay gas bills, can't use microwaves, can't keep warm... yes, this is the UK. Economic policy mistakes, frequent changes of government heads, and soaring inflation, the battered British government was recently exposed to conduct "combat exercises" to exercise emergency plans for the energy crisis.

Reference News Network reported on November 3

(Wen/Wen Jun) Can't afford food, can't pay gas bills, can't use microwave ovens, and can't keep warm... Yes, this is the UK.

  Economic policy mistakes, frequent changes of government heads, and soaring inflation, the battered British government was recently exposed to conduct "combat exercises" to exercise emergency plans for the energy crisis.

  The document, marked "officially sensitive", warns that all sectors including transport, food and water supplies, communications and energy could be affected by the "worst-case scenario possible", according to the Guardian. The "severe impact" lasted for a week, and the "combat exercise" was in response to a seven-day energy blackout in the event of a nationwide power outage.

  Officials are now stress-testing the secretive plan to deal with power outages, known as Project Yarrow, and have held a series of exercises with government departments and parliaments across the country in recent days.

  The Yarrow Plan is preparing for a winter power outage without warning for all homes without backup generators.

According to the plan, "from day 2 to day 7", 60% of the electricity demand will be met, and 100% of the electricity demand should be met after a week.

The government hopes to achieve this even in a worst-case scenario.

  In a worst-case scenario, Britons could face three-hour rolling blackouts if temperatures in Britain plummet and Russia cuts off gas supplies to Europe.

  "All sectors will be severely disrupted, including communications, transportation networks, energy supplies, food and water supplies," the document said, adding that in the event of a large-scale power outage, priority would be given to children and the elderly, as well as those with caregiving responsibilities. food, water and shelter.

  As a former "empire on which the sun never sets," the United Kingdom is now compelled to launch a plan to deal with "power outages".

  According to media reports, driven by food and energy prices, the UK's inflation rate again exceeded 10% in September, which is also the highest in the G7.

Soaring inflation is putting enormous pressure on the lives of ordinary people in the UK.

  According to preliminary data released by the Office for National Statistics last Tuesday, vegetable oil prices rose by 65% ​​year-on-year, and flour cake prices also rose by 60%.

Recent polls by the Consumers Association show millions of Britons have had to eat fewer meals, with many having to curb their cravings and buy only essentials.

  The Hackney food bank received a record number of people last week, according to AFP.

In the face of demand that has doubled since the epidemic, food banks are also unsustainable.

  In addition to lack of food, many people are also worried about the arrival of winter and soaring heating bills.

  Whitfield, director of the Hackney Food Bank, said the situation of those who came to collect food was worsening, with more and more people saying they had no money to pay for gas and electricity bills, and no way to use a microwave or kettle.

  The Guardian quoted a source as saying: "The government doesn't want to bring attention to the 'Yarrow plan' because they don't want it to be seen as being related to the conflict in Ukraine, energy supply and cost of living. But they are talking about it now. , meaning they're really concerned that this problem might happen."

  Shadow climate secretary Ed Miliband said: "Governments are contingency planning for the worst, but the truth is that our country is vulnerable as a direct consequence of a decade of failed Conservative energy policy. ."