Teller Report

"North Korea, Middle East and Africa, exporting weapons to various destinations"

11/2/2022, 11:46:21 PM

The White House condemned North Korea's missile launch into the South yesterday as a reckless decision. The White House also said it had information that North Korea was trying to supply Russia with a significant amount of ammunition through a third country.


The White House condemned North Korea's decision to launch a missile south of the Northern Limit Line (NLL) in the East Sea yesterday (2nd) as a reckless decision.

The White House also said it had information that North Korea was trying to supply Russia with a significant amount of ammunition through a third country.

Correspondent Seungmo Nam from Washington.

[ Reporter

] The White House said that North Korea had information that it had secretly provided a significant amount of shells to Russia, which invaded Ukraine, and pretended to send them to countries in the Middle East or North Africa to hide their destination in the course of transportation.

[John Kirby / Strategic Communications Coordinator at the White House National Security Council: According to our information, North Korea is secretly providing a significant amount of ammunition to Russia's war on Ukraine's invasion of Ukraine by obscuring its true destination.]

Earlier, in September, North Korea It has also denied that it has ever exported weapons or ammunition to China and has no plans to do so in the future.

The White House emphasized that it would continue to monitor whether these shells were actually delivered to Russia, but did not disclose the type, size, and destination of the shells.

Enlarging an image

However, he added that even though it was a small amount of shells, he did not see it enough to change the direction of the war.

CNN recently reported that North Korea was providing shells to Russia, citing declassified data.

The White House and the State Department all denounced North Korea's reckless decision yesterday when it launched a short-range ballistic missile south of the Northern Limit Line in the East Sea.

[Ned Price / US State Department Spokesperson: I condemn North Korea's reckless decision to launch a ballistic missile and fire it below the de facto maritime border (NLL) with South Korea.]

The White House says it is open to dialogue with North Korea, but North Korea does not respond We reaffirmed our commitment to defense against South Korea, saying that we will maintain a high level of military readiness in a situation where diplomatic progress is impossible.