Teller Report

Maja Nylén Persson has taken the next step after Ove Molin's help

11/1/2022, 5:28:21 AM

Maja Nylén Persson was named SDHL's best player last year when she poured in points as a defender. Until this year, she has taken further steps thanks to training with Brynäs player developer Ove Molin. - She came to me early and said that she wants to try to take another step in her hockey career. It's fun when someone is so dedicated and wants to make improvements, he tells SVT Sport.

Maja Nylén Persson had a real breakthrough season last year when she was named SDHL's best player and scored 60 points in 35 regular season games plus playoffs.

And this year, the 21-year-old back dominant has shown that the development continued.

"A hockey nerd"

- I'm a hockey nerd right down to the tips of my fingers.

I strive to constantly get better and I feel that the beginning of this season has proven that so far, it feels good, says Nylén Persson to SVT Sport.

The reason for the development?

Better skiing.

Backen contacted Brynäs player developer and legend Ove Molin for help to become more efficient and economical in their skiing and once or twice a week during the summer and early season they enjoyed skiing on a machine.

The machine works like a treadmill fixed with plastic.

"I'm glad it's yielding results"

- Ove has a great knowledge of how to ride correctly.

In my case, it's about using more outer edge to simply get a better glide, says Nylén Persson.

- I check my own game a lot afterwards and I can play with a better weight when I feel that I know a little about my skating in a bigger way.

I think it shows.

It's very fun that what you practice gives results.

Ove Molin is a game developer responsible for many Brynäslags and believes that the players who ask the most get the most help from him.

He is also regularly on the ice with the SDHL team, and then presses on the technical details.

- In Maja's case, I have to remind her a little bit not to end up on the inside so much.

But she has removed a lot.

If you look now, she can play a lot, she has a lot of ice time, she wouldn't have done that if she didn't skate a little better.

Aiming for long awaited gold

Maja Nylén Persson has had a great start to the season with 21 points in table two Brynäs 13 games.

Last year the club won the regular season but fell in the SM final against Luleå.

The hill would like to avoid that end this year.

- I've been involved in losing two straight SC finals, it's clear that you don't want to stand there again as a loser.

For me there is nothing else but to aim for gold.

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Highlights from the match between Brynäs and Luleå in the SDHL.