Teller Report

Twitter lays off a quarter of workers in a first round of job cuts

10/31/2022, 12:33:11 PM

The American newspaper, Washington Post, said today, quoting an informed source, that Twitter, which was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk last week, intends to lay off a quarter of its employees in what is expected to be the first round of layoffs in the company.

Twitter lays off a quarter of workers in a first round of job cuts

The Washington Post said today, quoting an informed source, that Twitter, which was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk last week, intends to lay off a quarter of its employees in what is expected to be the first round of layoffs in the company.

Well-known attorney Alex Spiro, a longtime legal representative for Musk, led the discussions on the job cuts, the newspaper reported.

According to an organizational record, the number of Twitter employees at the end of 2021 increased to seven thousand, and a quarter of the company’s employees reached nearly two thousand.

Musk denied a New York Times report that Twitter had laid off employees before November 1.

Twitter has not yet responded to a Reuters request for comment.

Sources told Reuters that Musk had fired Twitter CEO Paraj Agrawal, chief financial officer Ned Segal and chief legal and policy chief Vijaya Gade, after the $44 billion series purchase of the social media platform was completed on Thursday.

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