Teller Report

Serial rapist released from prison Promotion of forced eviction

10/31/2022, 12:27:17 PM

Park Byeong-hwa, who was imprisoned for raping women one after another in Suwon, was released early this morning after serving 15 years in prison. He decided to live in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do according to his will, but the local residents as well as the mayor of Hwaseong and members of the local constituency protested.


Park Byeong-hwa, who was imprisoned for raping women one after another in the Suwon area, was released early today (31st) after serving a 15-year sentence.

He decided to live in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do according to his will, but the local residents as well as the mayor of Hwaseong and members of the local constituency protested.

This is reporter Jang Hoon-kyung.


[Ministry of Justice, wake up!


Awaken !]

Upon hearing the news that Park Byeong-hwa came to Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, local lawmakers, local government heads, and even the presidents of nearby universities gathered in one place.

Park Byeong-hwa broke into a villa in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do for 5 years from 2002 and sexually assaulted 10 women in their 20s.

In fact, near Park Byeong-hwa's residence, there is a university within a 2-3 minute walk, and an elementary school about 500 meters away.

[Resident of Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do: (Byeonghwa Park) Does it make sense to come in here?

There are a lot of female students, how can you live in danger?

And how can my parents trust me to get a room for female students?]

They also visited the Ministry of Justice to protest, saying that they signed a lease agreement without telling them that Park Byung-hwa was a rapist and that they would push for forced eviction.

Enlarging an image

It is that the contract itself is invalid as the owner of the building may suffer property damage, such as other tenants leaving after knowing that Park Byung-hwa is living.

[Myeong-geun Jeong / Mayor of Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do: (Ministry of Justice) relocated to Hwaseong City at dawn like a military operation, and then notified unilaterally.

We are taking all possible measures to force the tenant to cancel the tenancy agreement and force them to move out…


The Ministry of Justice said that Park Byeong-hwa was assigned a dedicated probation officer, equivalent to one-on-one electronic supervision of minors, and is closely monitoring them.

(Video coverage: Jeong Seong-hwa, video editing: Park Chun-bae, video courtesy: Hwaseong City Hall, Gyeonggi-do)