Teller Report

Families who searched for the missing all night... Confirmed death and fever

10/31/2022, 3:57:32 AM

Immediately after the accident, families of the missing person roamed the streets and hospitals of Itaewon all night to find the lost family. Reporter Park Se-won reported. The family rushed to the hospital after being informed that they were transferred to the emergency room right after the accident.


Immediately after the accident, the families of the missing person roamed the streets and hospitals of Itaewon all night to find the lost family. 

Reporter Park Se-won reported.

<Reporter> The

family rushed to the hospital after being informed that they had been transferred to the emergency room right after the accident.

As soon as the identity of the deceased is confirmed, he collapses to the floor.

[what should we do.

(You have to check your face.) What should I do…


A daughter who went to Itaewon with her boyfriend on her first Halloween Day as an adult. After receiving a crying call from her boyfriend late at night, she ran to the scene, but it was impossible to find her daughter.

[Family of the missing person: (at the scene of the accident) They don't let you in because you're going.

You only let your boyfriend in, and your parents have to check it out.

I said no.]

Even though it was sunny, I had to go around the hospital in Seoul, unable to find where her daughter's body was transported.

[Family of the missing person: Mok-dong Ewha University Hospital also goes...

I'm running around now and there's no income.]

Families who stayed up all night awake in the waiting room for the missing person at the Hannam-dong Community Center.

I was just sobbing at the death confirmation notice.

[Family of the missing person: What is a crushing accident? How in the world is this happening?

I've studied hard now and it's all over...


Foreigners had more difficulty finding the missing person.

A friend who was traveling with me from Australia was confirmed at the scene of the tragic death, but it is not known where the body has since been moved.

The missing person reporting center and the consulate kept answering that they did not know, and in the end, they had no choice but to go around the hospital mortuary.

[Missing acquaintance: The consulate could not help either.

They didn't even know where my friend was.

My family is in Australia...


No one knows who my friend is, and no one seems to be helping me.]