Teller Report

Bosnia determines the fate of the Russia match .. and Pjanic: "Not a good decision"

10/31/2022, 3:03:50 PM

The Bosnian Football Association succumbed to local pressure and decided to postpone the friendly match that was scheduled between its national team and its Russian counterpart on November 19 in Saint Petersburg.

Bosnia determines the fate of the Russia match .. and Pjanic: "Not a good decision"

The Bosnian Football Association succumbed to local pressure and decided to postpone the friendly match between its national team and its Russian counterpart scheduled for November 19 in Saint Petersburg.

The Bosnian Federation said in a statement Monday on its website that the match was "postponed to a later date", without specifying the reasons that prompted it to make this decision.

The Bosnian Federation has been criticized since it announced last month that this friendly match will be held against Russia, which is isolated from sports because of its invasion of Ukraine since February, depriving its national teams and clubs from participating in continental and international competitions.

Sarajevo Mayor Binyamina Karic threatened to suspend cooperation with the local football federation if this friendly match was kept, saying, "We strongly condemn the federation's decision to play a friendly match against Russia."

"Sarajevo was a city besieged by a rapist for a long time," she said, referring to the siege imposed by Serbia on the city during the Bosnian war between 1992 and 1995.

As for the Bosnian national team star, Miralem Pjanic, the former player of French Lyon, Roma, Italian Juventus and Barcelona, ​​​​and who is currently playing with Sharjah of the United Arab Emirates, he considered that holding this friendly match "is not a good decision. As soon as the team starts achieving good results, something appears to disrupt it."

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