Teller Report

Amanda Nildén is forced to undergo surgery

10/31/2022, 6:27:11 PM

Amanda Nildén is forced to undergo surgery. The Swedish national team player has suffered a fracture in his foot. She is expected to be out for around three months, according to the Football Channel.

This weekend, the accident happened to Amanda Nildén.

The Juventus player was hit on the foot and writhed in pain during the meeting with Fiorentina.

Now Juventus announces that the Swede is forced to undergo surgery.

The fullback has sustained a fracture in one foot.

The soccer channel reports that the 24-year-old will be out for around three months.

Nildén is therefore not available during Sweden's next national team meeting, when they will face Australia in a training match in Melbourne (November 12).

SEE ALSO: This is how Sweden will go all the way in the football World Cup - Markus Johannesson explains

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