Teller Report

"Second daughter who was fat"... Only KakaoTalk that I haven't read "I can't call"

10/31/2022, 12:03:16 PM

Many people have lost their young daughters and sons, who are just starting to realize their dreams, in the Itaewon accident. Their wish was that this would never happen again.


Many people have lost their young daughters and sons, who are just starting to realize their dreams in an accident in Itaewon.

Their wish was that this would never happen again.

We heard the story of a bereaved family who left her daughter on this matter after we had obtained our consent in advance.

Reporter Park Ye-rin reports.


Her daughter and the second daughter who became her closest friend.

On the day of the Itaewon disaster, the daughter, who went to Itaewon for a meeting with her friends, never returned to her family.

[Jeong Hae-bok / Uncle: Because I told his parents that I was going to a friends meeting in Itaewon, so I went.

He didn't answer the phone, so I didn't think it was such a disaster at the time, and he probably couldn't hear it because of the vibration...


Upon hearing the news of the accident, the parents rushed to the Hamilton Hotel with concern, but their daughter, who had always answered calls and messages kindly, could not be reached.

It was at a funeral home in Gyeonggi-do where the parents who went to the accident site and the missing person reception desk eventually found their daughter.

Messages such as "My second daughter can't call", "I wonder if she's in Itaewon" and "My father is near Hamilton Hotel" remain unreadable on his father's KakaoTalk.

[Jeong Hae-bok / Uncle: When you come to visit, it's like 'Big Daddy, please give me some more because I'm grown up'.

That's difficult.

He was raised so dearly, and he was a nephew that I really liked.]

I went to study abroad for a short time, and I was good at foreign languages, so I took charge of the trade business at my father's company.

He was living his dream of running a cafe on his own, but he had an accident.

Even the friends who were in Itaewon together cannot be confirmed alive or dead.

The bereaved family is checking whether it is safe by contacting their friends one by one using the daughter's cell phone received from the Yongsan Police Station today (31st).

It is the remaining wish of the bereaved families to ensure that this never happens again.

[Jeong Hae-bok / Uncle: These young people, many people had such an accident in a certain place, and I hope that the system will be supplemented with a certain number of people per certain area (such as entering) so that this does not happen again]

( Video coverage: Lee Sang-hak, Video editing: Kim Jun-hee)