Teller Report

Vaccine is a key factor in the fight against “seasonal flu”

10/30/2022, 10:21:03 PM

The General Manager of the Vaccines Unit at Sanofi International in the Gulf region, Fukuen Sinise, confirmed that "vaccines are an essential factor in addressing the seasonal influenza virus," noting their value in avoiding the effects of infection and enhancing immunity through the formation of antibodies, while the vaccine plays

General Manager of the Vaccine Unit at Sanofi International:

Vaccine is a key factor in the fight against “seasonal flu”

  • Vaccines reduce serious complications of the disease.


  • Fukuen Sinise: "Medical care professionals always advise taking vaccinations from a young age, to avoid the effects of disease and enhance immunity."


The General Manager of the Vaccines Unit at Sanofi International in the Gulf region, Fukuen Sinise, confirmed that "vaccines are an essential factor in addressing the seasonal influenza virus," noting their value in avoiding the effects of infection and enhancing immunity through the formation of antibodies, while anti-vaccines play a role. Essentially in reducing serious complications when contracting the disease, especially among groups most vulnerable to serious complications, which in his opinion enhances community immunity, and ensures the general health and safety of the community, in line with the directions of the UAE government and the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection in promoting the health of community members.

"Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses spread all over the world," Fuquion Sinis told "Emirates Today".

Infection with these viruses results in the emergence of disease symptoms of varying severity, which can require special medical care provided in hospitals in some cases, and may often lead to death.”

As for the group of people most susceptible to infection, he stressed: “The risks of rapid infection with influenza must be calculated, as it is easy for people with this disease to transmit the infection to others, as most medical care professionals believe that the droplets resulting from the coughing, sneezing or words of the infected are the most common causes of infection. .

Moreover, infection with these viruses has a noticeable effect on infected people of different age groups, while its severity varies according to the degree of their immunity, so the vaccine is an essential factor in addressing seasonal influenza and other viruses.”

Of particular importance

Describing the importance of the preventive steps that must be taken to protect against influenza infection, Senes stressed: “Taking the influenza vaccine and its complications is of great importance for people who are most vulnerable to exacerbation of symptoms of the disease, including pregnant women, children over six months of age who suffer from chronic diseases, and people with Over the age of 65 with diabetes, and a number of heart diseases, as it was proven that all of them are at risk of exacerbating symptoms.”

He pointed out that "the quadrivalent influenza vaccine is safe for pregnant women and can be taken during pregnancy."

precautionary measures

Several preventive measures, which must be taken to protect against influenza, described by Senes by saying: “Medical care professionals always advise taking vaccinations from a young age, to avoid the effects of infection, and to enhance the physical immunity of people, as it is known that vaccinations are the best public health measures to prevent the spread of influenza. and reduce its serious complications.

As part of our endeavor to develop modern vaccines and provide them to people all over the world as quickly as possible, we are currently working on upgrading vaccines and reaching the new generation of them based on the latest vaccination technologies, as we employ modern antigen selection techniques and techniques based on mRNA or (protein), With the aim of expanding the scope of protection, while the influenza vaccine (quad-valent) is one of the best vaccines of its kind available on the market.

As for the role that the current vaccine plays in reducing the complications of the disease and promoting public health, he described it by saying: “The possibility of spreading an infectious disease decreases if many of the population have immunity to it, and this is what is known as community immunity.

In this case, the pathogen does not find enough hosts to survive, multiply and spread by infecting them, because most of the population has already been infected or vaccinated.

Which leads to the elimination of the virus, as it dies in one individual before it spreads to others, which guarantees public health and safety.”

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