Teller Report

They investigate a possible parricide in Brittany after finding dead the four members of a family

10/30/2022, 5:27:24 PM

The four members of a family, which includes two minors aged 9 and 12, have been found dead this Sunday at their home in the French town of Carantec, in...

The four members of a family, which includes

two minors aged 9 and 12

, were found dead this Sunday at their home in the French town of


, in Brittany, in a scenario that suggests an action committed by the father who has also turned up dead.

According to the first elements advanced by the Prosecutor's Office to the media, it was the firefighters who discovered the four bodies around 11:10 in the morning in the family home, which is located on François le Duc street in this coastal town of 3,200 inhabitants to the north of Finistere.

That of the woman, 38 years old, was in a room and that of the two daughters, 9 and 12 years old, in their own room.

The man's body was on the ground floor.

The family dog ​​was also found dead.

At first, the investigators did not give details about the circumstances of the death of the woman and the girls, or the date on which the event could have occurred.

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