Teller Report

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the United States is preparing cybercriminal hackers against the backdrop of the SVO

10/30/2022, 10:20:57 PM

The head of the department of international information security of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Ernest Chernukhin, said that against the background of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, the United States began the official training of cybercriminal hackers.

According to him, we are talking about the deliberate placement of malicious software in the public domain on the Internet.

"It's no secret that Washington is recruiting at the official level the so-called patriotic cyber mercenaries and training cybercriminal hacker personnel," Izvestia quoted Chernukhin as saying.

Earlier, the head of Roskomnadzor, Andrey Lipov, said that the number of attacks on the Russian information structure had increased 4.5 times since the beginning of the special operation.

Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia German Zubarev also spoke about the tense situation with cyber attacks on Russian banks.