Teller Report

The many questions on Giorgia Meloni's international agenda

10/30/2022, 6:14:53 PM

They concern the harmony with the US right, relations with China, the balance with France and Germany, climate policies

The audience of the

National Italian American Foundation

(Niaf), a non-profit foundation that represents over 20 million Italian-Americans residing in the United States, in the gala evening in Washington for its 47th anniversary, yesterday paid a

long round of applause to Giorgia Meloni

, when the Italian ambassador Mariangela Zappia recalled that our country has a new government led by her, the first woman premier in Italian history.

The ambassador then recalled the first exchanges between Meloni and Joe Biden and their commitment to work on common goals and values, before launching the video message in English to Meloni's Niaf.

The Prime Minister

underlined the contribution of the Italian American community

to the "development, prosperity and strength" of the US and reiterated the intent to "promote closer ties in the years to come".

Zappia affirmed the same purpose, urging “to do more and strengthen our partnership, focusing on sectors that are shaping the future of the global economy: digitization, energy transition, financial technology, sustainable infrastructure, transport, space, health, defense and cyberspace ".

The NIAF galas are also an opportunity to distribute prizes to prominent Italian-American figures.

Among the winners this year was

Mike Pompeo

, Secretary of State during the Trump administration, who praised Meloni: “

I think he will do a fantastic job

, it will be a hard winter for all of Europe but I trust that she will lead the Italian people respecting the commitments of her campaign and taking care of common families, she is very special ”.

These do not seem like words of circumstance, and after all Meloni has long been familiar with the most radical wing of the Republican party: in 2018 she invited

the then Trump ideologue

Steve Bannon

, now

disgraced , to her

Lei atreju

, and also had private meetings with him in Venice, as the


revealed at the time . 

This wealth of relationships could soon prove invaluable, if polls show that the

Grand Old Party

gains control of the House in

the mid-term elections

scheduled for November.

It will be necessary to keep an eye on the relative weight that the Trumpian area will have in the new congress, because among the Republicans there are substantial differences, in particular with respect to Ukraine.

The current head of the parliamentary minority, Kevin McCarthy, in recent days said he was in favor of a

downsizing of support for Kiev

: after all, the motto

America first

, "America first", was a cornerstone of the presidential mandate of

The Donald


Today Meloni is firm on the line of condemnation of the Russian aggression and on solidarity with the Ukrainian government.

The first proof of the facts will be shortly, however, when the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto (Fdi), that of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani (Fi) and that of the Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti (Lega) will all have to sign the decree to authorize the

sixth sending weapons


Despite the divergences on the issue that the three majority parties are going through, it is likely that this transition will go smoothly, so as not to create tensions already in the first weeks of the executive's activity.

But in 2023, when the balance could be different in Washington, the Draghi Government decree that authorizes the shipment of weapons will expire.


new decree and a new parliamentary vote will be needed

: steps that are anything but obvious, and not just because of the free words of Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini on Putin, Zelensky and negotiating tables.

"Italy is fully entitled, and with its head held high,

part of Europe and the Atlantic Alliance

. Anyone who does not agree with this cornerstone will not be able to be part of the government, at the cost of not being a government",

he said

. Meloni on October 19, even before receiving Mattarella's assignment.

“Of Europe”, not “of the European Union”: whether this is a nuance or a hint of something more concrete is too early to say.

The first indications could arrive next Thursday, when the Prime Minister

will go to Brussels

to meet von der Leyen, Metsola and Michel.

Even without disturbing the position of the Brothers of Italy on

the superiority of Community law over European law

, which touches one of the pillars of the Union, there are more than one open fronts and it will be crucial to understand how the relationship with the


of the liberal Macron and the


of the Social Democrat Scholz will evolve.

The premier has already met the first and had a telephone conversation with the second.

It is useless to read the ceremonious official notes to understand the points of convergence or any divisions.

Meloni in the past has

harshly criticized both Paris and Berlin

, and even today the dossiers open are not just, from the German decision to

do it yourself

on the roof over the price of gas to implement the

Quirinal Treaty

, which the Brothers of Italy voted no to ratify in the Senate just three months ago.

Another testing ground for Italy's new international policy will follow just four days after the Brussels meetings: on 7 November Meloni

will fly to Sharm el-Sheikh

, Egypt, where the 27th United Nations climate conference will be held (



On that occasion we will begin to understand if there will be any deviations from the energy policy line set by the Draghi government.

The disappearance of the words "

Ecological transition

" from the name of the competent ministry has already made several environmental associations prick their ears. Another week, another flight, this time the destination is


, Indonesia, where a very delicate

G20 will meet

, a formula severely tested by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

There will also be


and on relations with Beijing Meloni has always shown, once again, to be in tune with the American right:

she believes that Chinese influence is a threat

and at the time of the first Conte government she judged it a "serious mistake" trade agreements that government signed as part of the

Belt & Road Initiative,

or "

new silk road


The prime minister has already hinted that she does not want to renew them, when they expire in two years.