Teller Report

Relief for victims of the former Unification Church It is unclear whether the ruling and opposition parties can come to an agreement

10/30/2022, 8:32:56 PM

[NHK] In discussions between the ruling and opposition parties to help the victims of the former Unification Church, the Liberal Democratic Party included regulating large donations through so-called mind control...

In discussions between the ruling and opposition parties to help the victims of the former Unification Church, the Liberal Democratic Party hopes to present a ruling party proposal that includes restrictions on large donations through so-called mind control as early as this week, but the main points of contention are the opposition parties. There is a large gap between the opinions of the two countries, and it is unclear whether they will be able to come to an agreement.

A four-party council consisting of the Liberal Democratic Party, the New Komeito Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, and the Japan Restoration Party is aiming to develop a law to help victims of the former Unification Church during the current session of the Diet. Contribution regulations have been the focus of discussion.

In this, the views are divided over how to define mind control by law. I can't feel it," he criticized.

In response to this situation, the Liberal Democratic Party is considering what kind of response is possible with Komeito and the government, and I would like to present a ruling party proposal that includes regulating large donations through mind control as early as this week. It's an idea.

However, in addition to this, there is a gap between the ruling and opposition parties on major issues such as how to make it possible for family members to recover donations on behalf of the person who has been mind-controlled, and whether to set a guideline for the amount of donations. However, it is unclear whether we can come to an agreement.