Teller Report

NATO officer Atlamazoglou announced a "logistical nightmare" for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

10/30/2022, 6:14:59 PM

The Ukrainian military faced a "logistical nightmare" due to the intensive expenditure of shells and the variety of artillery systems. This opinion was expressed in an article for 19FortyFive by a retired NATO officer, Stavros Atlamazoglou.

According to him, the Armed Forces of Ukraine spend up to 6 thousand ammunition daily and have already depleted their own warehouses.

Atlamazoglou noted that the arsenal of the Ukrainian army consists of "a hodgepodge of various weapons."

“The difference in caliber means that Ukrainians cannot use the same shells in units, which creates a logistical nightmare,” he concluded.

As The Wall Street Journal previously reported, the commander of one of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that in winter Ukrainian troops would face a problem with camouflage.