Teller Report

Ebba Busch on Uniper's nuclear announcement: "Very gratifying"

10/30/2022, 9:44:57 PM

The company Uniper wants to build a new nuclear power plant in Barsebäck. It is welcomed by the new government, according to Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch (KD). The announcement may stir up emotions, above all on the other side of the strait where the Danish opposition to nuclear power is strong. - We will of course have a dialogue with Denmark, but Sweden needs to make its decisions, says Ebba Busch in SVT's Agenda.

In order for Uniper, the owner of the closed nuclear power plant Barsebäck, to be able to build a new nuclear power plant in Barsebäck, a political decision must be made by the new government.

In addition, a new nuclear power would require a change in the law, as it is currently prohibited to have nuclear power in more than ten locations at the same time.

This is something the new government is prepared to do, says Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch in SVT's Agenda.

- Yes, we will do that, confirms Busch, and adds that the government will review which places it will be possible to build new nuclear power plants.

Danish resistance no obstacle

However, there is opposition to a new nuclear power plant in Barsebäck, above all in Denmark, where the anti-nuclear power movement has historically been strong.

But this is nothing that stops the new government, Ebba Busch announces.

- The shift that comes with the new government is that we add an active welcome of nuclear power, she says.

See the full interview with Ebba Busch here